• How the inner critic changes our experience
    Sep 27 2024

    In this episode we explore the inner critic and how he runs us, what the inner critic is and where it comes from and how it creates shadows that change our experience in life and blocks us from fully living.

    We will look into understanding the inner critic, the impact of the critic on our lives, how to transform the critic, practical steps.

    This episode is part of a deeper exploration of Shadow Work.

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    36 min
  • Escape Self-Sabotage: Choose Your Path
    Sep 6 2024

    How we can break free from invisible patterns. From Self-Sabotage to Choice.

    Today we are gonna talk about self-sabotaging mechanisms and how these hidden and invisible patterns that we don't even know about run our lives. This episode is about understanding and seeing them for what they are. Getting back to choice, freeing ourselves from stepping back.

    We will explore why we unconsciously sabotage our own success and relationships, and how to identify the root causes of these behaviors. This episode guides you on breaking free from the patterns that hold you back and offers actionable insights for reclaiming your personal power.

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    22 min
  • What is Shadow Work?
    Jun 10 2024

    In this episode I speak about Shadow Work and how it can help us to uncover deeply rooted conditionings and stories that keep repeating themselves in our lives though we have done a lot of inner work.

    We dive into the dynamics of shadow work and how it is actually a work that brings us closer to the light, beyond spiritual bypassing.

    If you want to join my next Shadow Work Group, find more details here: authenticselfleadership.co/shadowwork

    And if you want to have a free Shadow Work 101 Guide, sign-up here:


    For more details on my teacher Robert A. Masters and his work: https://www.robertmasters.com/

    Voir plus Voir moins
    33 min
  • What are leaders of the new Paradigm?
    Feb 2 2023
    We are going deeper into what the new Paradigm is and qualities a leader of the New Paradigm has. This session speaks about a different way of thinking and acting and of something we need more than ever in this time of change and unpredictability.
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    35 min
  • Elements that deepen our understanding of our Passion and Purpose
    May 25 2022
    Why is it so important to understand our passion and purpose and how can we understand it better? In this episode I share some of the deeper understandings I gained about my own passion and purpose and what elements are crucial to find an answer that is authentic to everyone of us.
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    31 min
  • Why so many of us are in survival mode right now
    May 7 2022
    Many of us feel activated, triggered or stressed out right now. After two years of struggles, we finally want things to calm down but instead things intensify. In this episode we speak about how the situation activates our survival mode and how to get out of it
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    29 min
  • Wie können wir mit dem Schmerz in der Welt umgehen?
    Aug 23 2021
    Es gibt so viele Dinge, die momentan auf der Welt passieren, die uns hilflos, traurig und ängstlich fühlen oder komplett dicht machen lassen, weil es es nicht mehr hören können. All diese Reaktionen in Bezug auf Schmerz und Leid anderer führen dazu, dass wir uns noch mehr zurückziehen. Aber was wenn es eine andere Art gibt, darauf zu reagieren? Was wenn wir all diese Emotionen erlauben könnten und uns danach sogar noch liebender und bestärkter fühlen würden? In dieser Episode schauen wir uns unsere Reaktion auf den Schmerz anderer an und wie diese in Zusammenhang mit unserer persönlichen Lebensgeschichte steht und wie wir Mitleid zu wahrem Mitgefühl, Liebe und Offenheit transformieren. Im ersten Teil erkläre ich ein bisschen dazu, wie wir auf das Leid anderer reagieren und was diese Reaktion wandeln kann. Im zweiten Teil machen wir zusammen eine geführte Meditation, um es in die Praxis zu bringen und unsere Reaktion umzutrainieren, so dass sie zu einer bewussteren Wahl wird.
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    41 min
  • How we can deal with the pain of what is happening in the world and go into compassion
    Aug 22 2021
    There are so many things happening in this world right now that make us feel helpless, sad, anxious or completely shut down because we just can't hear it anymore. All those reactions to the pain and suffering of others make us contract even more, make us shut down even more. But what if there was a different way to react, what if we could allow all those emotions and even feel more loving and empowered after that. In this episode we explore how our reaction to pain of others relates to our personal life story and how we can transform it from empathetic distress to compassion, love and openness. In the first part I will explain a bit about the how we deal with the suffering of others and what can change that reaction. In the second part we will go into a guided meditation to bring it into practice and retrain our reaction to a more conscious choice.
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    40 min