
  • Episode 22 - 3 Reasons to Consider Geotargeting in Your Digital Advertising Strategy | IAM Podcast
    Jun 9 2022

    Everyone understands the basic formula of advertising: Advertisement + Visibility = Attraction. Seems easy enough, right? Not so fast. 

    In today’s world of advertising, it’s not so much what you say but how, when, and to whom you say it. One of the ways marketers and advertisers focus on this narrow approach to clientele and retention is through geotargeting.  

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    6 min
  • Episode 21 - The Importance of Subject Lines | IAM Podcast
    May 4 2022

    In today’s world smartphones have made it easier than ever to check your email. At any point throughout the day, you probably receive at least five emails from businesses marketing to you. How many of you just delete the emails unless the subject line captures your attention enough to open them? The answer is probably a lot of you. This is why email subject lines are so important.  

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    3 min
  • Episode 20 - Why Is B-Roll Important To Video Production? | IAM Podcast
    Apr 27 2022

    B-roll is a term used to describe secondary footage, often used as cutaway footage, to provide context and visual interest to help tell your story.

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    4 min
  • Episode 19 - How to Take Ownership of Your Domain | IAM Podcast
    Apr 20 2022

    Your domain, or website address, is the face of your business online. It is how people find your business, contact your business and learn more about the services/products you offer. Most business owners would probably not know who actually owns their domain name. That is the person/business who set up the domain, thus the ones who have control over access and changes. Now, there is inherently nothing wrong with having a designer, marketing agency or other entity running your online presence. The problem arises when said designer, agency or other person decides to hold your domain ransom in order to keep you from jumping ship and heading over to another designer, etc. That is why we feel it is always the best practice to own your domain name.

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    7 min
  • Episode 18 - Why You Need Professional Headshots for Your Company | IAM Podcast
    Apr 13 2022

    Are you the type that thinks first impressions are overrated? Well, it may be time to change your opinion. Did you know? Recent studies have shown that human beings make a decision to trust someone within 100 milliseconds of seeing their face

    Are you ready to make that kind of an impression? Is your company? Sadly, most aren’t. 

    Listen for some of our best tips on improving your online presence and the importance of company headshots. 

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    4 min
  • Episode 17 - Digital Advertising Checklist | IAM Podcast
    Apr 6 2022

    Did you get your hat? Check. What about your bag? Check. Tickets? Oh, no.

    A good checklist could be the difference between arriving at your flight on time or missing out on a relaxing vacation. Well, marketing is no different. That’s why we’ve outlined a checklist to keep in mind while developing your next digital advertising strategy.

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    8 min
  • Episode 16 - 4 SEO Tools You Should Be Using | IAM Podcast
    Mar 30 2022

    What’s SEO? Does it matter? Well, yeah. Yeah, it does. We’ve written about it before. 

    SEO stands for “search engine optimization.” In layman’s terms, SEO optimization is the means of improving your site’s visibility when people search for products or services related to your business. The higher your visibility in search results, the more likely customers will be to interact, invest time, and purchase from your company. 

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    4 min
  • Episode 15 - How To Make A Storyboard For Your Video Production | IAM Podcast
    Mar 23 2022

    Making good videos is hard. Out of the billions of marketing videos produced, only a fraction ever convey the right message. It doesn’t have to be that way. Careful planning will help you increase your chances of producing a great video.

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    6 min