You’ve done the hard work, analyzed the statistics, garnered the support necessary to implement a big vision, and then…
“I really appreciate you pushing the envelope, but… do we even know that this is a problem?”
No worries! You’re prepared, because you have implemented a viable strategy that incorporates a tried and true approach to company wide buy-in.
Kurt Baumberger, EVP, Strategy & Innovation at Shadow-Soft, and Nick chat about bringing that good idea to fruition and out the door in the last part of this special 3-parter.
Join us as we discuss:
Handling resistance in the organization
The importance of company adoption
Utilizing power users - collaborators ready to implement on day 1
Figuring out what is desirable, what’s feasible, and making that idea viable.
For more of Kurt Baumberger, check out his book Innovation Navigation: How To Get From Idea To Reality In 90 Days.