
  • Inside Writing—Lindz Amer
    Jul 9 2022

    In season five, episode thirteen of Gotham Writers' Inside Writing, host Josh Sippie talks with Lindz Amer about their multifaceted journey as a writer and creative. They discuss how they found their way to success on YouTube, building a brand around it, and balancing a creative schedule across multiple mediums. 

    Links from the panelists:
    Lindz's website: https://www.lindsayamer.com/
    Queer Kid Stuff: https://www.queerkidstuff.com/
    Rainbow Parenting Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/rainbow-parenting/id1625886479
    Activist, You! Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/activist-you/id1495721988
    Queer Kid Stuff Newsletter: https://lindsayamer.us10.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=0e4406b65d22aea76d33e9efc&id=e8cbcc8d2d

    Connect on social media!
    Lindz's Twitter: https://twitter.com/lindzamer
    Queer Kid Stuff Twitter: https://twitter.com/queerkidstuff
    Gotham Writers' Twitter: https://twitter.com/gothamwriters
    Josh’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/sippenator101

    Voir plus Voir moins
    59 min
  • Inside Writing—Keaton Wooden
    Jun 20 2022

    In season five, episode twelve of Gotham Writers' Inside Writing, host Josh Sippie talks with Keaton Wooden about his journey in music and in writing. They discuss how he found a connection to music, when writing came into his creative journey, and how to advance projects into the production stages. 

    Links from the panelists:
    Keaton's website: http://www.keatonwooden.com/
    Keaton's music: http://www.keatonwooden.com/select-music

    Connect on social media!
    Keaton's Twitter: https://twitter.com/keatonwooden
    Gotham Writers' Twitter: https://twitter.com/gothamwriters
    Josh’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/sippenator101

    Voir plus Voir moins
    51 min
  • Inside Writing—Varud Gupta
    Jun 16 2022

    In season five, episode eleven of Gotham Writers' Inside Writing, host Josh Sippie talks with Varud Gupta about his multifaceted journey as a writer. They discuss how he went from food and travel to graphic novels, how to determine what projects to focus on, and the challenges and rewards of writing across mediums.

    Links from the panelists:
    Varud's website: https://www.varudgupta.com/
    Varud's books: https://www.varudgupta.com/books

    Connect on social media!
    Varud's Twitter: https://twitter.com/VarudGupta
    Varud's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/varudgupta/
    Gotham Writers' Twitter: https://twitter.com/gothamwriters
    Josh’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/sippenator101

    Voir plus Voir moins
    55 min
  • Inside Writing—Sharan Dhaliwal
    Jun 10 2022

    In season five, episode ten of Gotham Writers' Inside Writing, host Josh Sippie talks with Sharan Dhaliwal about her experience as both a writer and an editor. They discuss how she launched an immediately successful magazine, finding the right lane for your creativity, and the eternal balancing act of being a writer.

    Links from the panelists:
    Sharan's website: https://www.sharandhaliwal.com/
    Sharan's book: https://gayprideshop.co.uk/products/burning-my-roti-breaking-barriers-as-a-queer-indian-woman-book
    Or: https://www.gaystheword.co.uk/product-page/burning-my-roti-by-sharan-dhaliwal
    Burnt Roti Magazine: https://www.burntroti.com/

    Connect on social media!
    Sharan's Twitter: https://twitter.com/sharandhaliwal_
    Sharan's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sharandhaliwal_/?hl=en
    Gotham Writers' Twitter: https://twitter.com/gothamwriters
    Josh’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/sippenator101

    Voir plus Voir moins
    56 min
  • Inside Writing—Daphne Palasi Andreades
    Jun 2 2022

    In season five, episode nine of Gotham Writers' Inside Writing, host Josh Sippie talks with Daphne Palasi Andreades about her journey as a writer. They discuss the balancing of short pieces and long, how a short story grew into a novel, and the pros and cons of MFAs. 

    Links from the panelists:
    Daphne's website: https://daphnepalasiandreades.com/
    Daphne's book: https://bookshop.org/books/brown-girls/9780593243428

    Connect on social media!
    Daphne's Twitter: https://twitter.com/DaphnePalasiA
    Daphne's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/daphnepalasia/?hl=en
    Gotham Writers' Twitter: https://twitter.com/gothamwriters
    Josh’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/sippenator101

    Voir plus Voir moins
    55 min
  • Inside Writing—Tomi Obaro
    May 24 2022

    In season five, episode eight of Gotham Writers' Inside Writing, host Josh Sippie talks with Tomi Obaro about her journey as a writer. They discuss the life of a culture editor, how to get a foot in the publishing door, and the feelings attached to an imminent book publication.

    Links from the panelists:
    Tomi's website: https://www.tomiobaro.com/
    Tomi's book: https://www.tomiobaro.com/delewedsdestiny

    Connect on social media!
    Tomi's Twitter: https://twitter.com/TomiObaro
    Gotham Writers' Twitter: https://twitter.com/gothamwriters
    Josh’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/sippenator101

    Voir plus Voir moins
    49 min
  • Inside Writing—Fred Koehler
    May 13 2022

    In season five, episode seven of Gotham Writers' Inside Writing, host Josh Sippie talks with Fred Koehler about his career writing and illustrating children's books. They discuss the balance of writing and illustrating, which comes first in the creative process, and how to elevate your weird.

    Links from the panelists:
    Fred's website: https://www.ilikefred.com/
    Fred's books: https://www.ilikefred.com/books
    Ready Chapter 1: https://www.readychapter1.com/

    Connect on social media!
    Fred's Twitter: https://twitter.com/superfredd
    Fred's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fred_koehler_/?hl=en
    Gotham Writers' Twitter: https://twitter.com/gothamwriters
    Josh’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/sippenator101

    Voir plus Voir moins
    56 min
  • Inside Writing—Jonathan Auxier
    May 4 2022

    In season five, episode six of Gotham Writers' Inside Writing, host Josh Sippie talks with Jonathan Auxier about his career writing children's books and his origins as a scriptwriter. They discuss the ins and outs of writing for a young audience, the transition from scripts to prose and back again, unconventional writing routines, and the writing life.

    Links from the panelists:
    Jonathan's website: https://www.thescop.com/
    Jonathan's books: https://www.thescop.com/my-books

    Connect on social media!
    Jonathan's Twitter: https://twitter.com/JonathanAuxier
    Jonathan's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/auxierjonathan/?hl=en
    Gotham Writers' Twitter: https://twitter.com/gothamwriters
    Josh’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/sippenator101

    Voir plus Voir moins
    57 min