Maya Ayed, Chief of Staff at Amira Health, shares her journey from big tech to startups, including hosting events to build her network. She explains Amira Health's mission to help women with menopause sleep better using a wristband and cooling pad. Maya discusses the importance of storytelling, how her team uses OKRs, and her memorable experience at CES launching their product.
Links Mentioned:
Free Resources:
- Strategic Planning Checklist
- Chief of Staff Skills Assessment Checklist
- A Day in the Life of a Chief of Staff
- Chief of Staff Toolkit
Get in Touch With Emily:
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- Clarity Call with Emily
Who Am I?
If we haven’t yet before - Hi👋 I’m Emily, Chief of Staff turned Executive Leadership Coach. After a thrilling ride up the corporate ladder, I’m focusing on what I love - working with people to realize their professional and personal goals. Through my videos here on this channel, books, podcast guest spots, and newsletter, I share new ideas and practical and tactical tools to help you be more productive and build the career and life you want.
Time Stamps:
00:48 Maya's Journey to Chief of Staff
04:18 The Two-Week Trial Experience
08:33 Team Structure and Roles
11:30 Implementing OKRs
19:07 The Importance of Storytelling
22:49 Learning from Mistakes
25:57 Tools and Resources for Chiefs of Staff
29:56 Memorable Moments and Team Bonding