Over the next few weeks scientist and author Andrew Maynard will be taking you on a journey from the past to the edge of tomorrow as he reads through the book Future Rising. It’s a journey that starts with the big bang, and ends with our responsibility to future generations. Along the way, there’ll be plenty twists and turns, some intriguing new ideas, and even a few surprises.
Episode 1 drops Monday May 17
For more on the book Future Rising: A Journey from the Past to the Edge of Tomorrow, check out http://futurerisingbook.com
We’ll be positing new episodes of Future Rising on Monday’s Wednesday’s and Fridays. Please subscribe on your favorite podcast platform if you don’t want to miss them. And please do leave us a review!
Professor Andrew Maynard
Web: http://andrewmaynard.net
Twitter: http://twitter.com/2020science
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/literallyandrewmaynard/