
  • Wealth, Status and Power - The Values to the Storming of the Capital and the Freedom, plus exploring the Why
    Mar 6 2022

    It's not that Wealth, Status and Power are all bad but that when combined and/or put at a level of importance above all else they are ugly, they are ethically relative and will cause separation vs unity.

    For Values, and how we apply them, rank them, make us who we are. So there is the grey.... the none finite... Values may not have wiggle room but people need it. 

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    43 min
  • Thinking Critically - Ranking, Prioritizing & Evaluating your Values
    Mar 6 2022

    Your values, rank them in priority order, makes decisions, reevaluate and repeat. 

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    11 min
  • Unpacking Privilege
    Mar 6 2022

    Exploring and just hitting the tip of Privilege: What we need to realize is that choice in itself is a privilege. Lots of people go through life with limited choices because circumstances that happen. Privilege is not having to overcome a circumstance. 

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    22 min
  • Accountability: Why it builds Resilience and Saves us from A**holes
    Mar 6 2022

    Exploring Accountability - If parents did a better job of holding their kids accountable, 
    then we would have far more adults willing to do so as well.

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    22 min
  • Empathy - Because More
    Mar 6 2022

    Exploring Empathy, what does it mean, how do we apply it, and a little bit of what it isn't. 

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    25 min
  • A Triangle in a Round and Square World
    Mar 6 2022

    Exploring what it feels like to not fit in and be a Triangle in a world that feels full of Circles and Squares. Older post revisited with some new thoughts and examples. Scattered as always.

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    38 min
  • Self Esteem vs Sense of Self
    45 min
  • Intro and Revisiting Values: Who You are and How you Define Yourself
    20 min