In this week's podcast, I talk about investment options in Ireland.
There are a bucket-load of investment options in Ireland. It is one of the biggest questions we see and hear from people. Yet, the landscape is fairly straight-forward once we get your head around it.
Plus, the route someone will take with their investments is often not led by logic, but by their internal biases. The same occurs when one is choosing their next car to buy!
Show me someone's car, and I'll tell you what kind of investments they have! So much so, I'll go on record as saying;
"The type of car you drive is a lead indicator of the type of investments options you choose" -Paddy Delaney :)
And to jump right-in, here is how I see the investment routes comparing to cars on the Irish roads!!.....
- Discretionary Investment Manager = BMW
- Life Insurance Investment Product = Volkswagen
- Advised Investment Platform = Honda Civic
This week, having had time to do so, I share:
- The main investment options in Ireland (via personal & corporate investment and/or pensions)
- How they compare to the car you might (or might not) drive, and why....
I hope it helps!