Join us for an exciting episode where we explore the social organization of Middle Iron Age society in Britain. From social hierarchies to kinship structures, we'll take a deep dive into the intricacies of Iron Age life. Discover the crucial role of the elites and warrior classes, as well as the important contributions of farmers and laborers in producing the goods necessary for the community's survival. We'll explore how kinship networks shaped relationships and responsibilities within Iron Age communities, and how inheritance and succession were typically based on family ties. Ritual and religion were central to Iron Age society, and we'll take a closer look at how these beliefs were expressed through ceremonies and material objects. Despite the challenges of conflict and competition, the social structures of Middle Iron Age Britain adapted and endured, setting the stage for significant cultural and political changes in the Late Iron Age. Don't miss out on this fascinating exploration of Iron Age life, and join us for the next episode as we delve into trade and exchange in Middle Iron Age Britain.