This Episode #2 builds on Episode #1 with the playful metaphor of the “Elephant on the Planet”! But this image exposes the most serious Medical Crisis facing our long entrenched /Human condition/. We hopefully ((saw)) through Episode #1 that the truly ((historic)) breakthrough to the long emerging yet perpetually eclipsed ((Logos Code)) and the all-important ((Source Science)) that comes with this revelation of the ((Logos Code))…the Source of all /realities, worlds, narratives, ideologies, religions/…bring a deeper ((medical diagnosis)) of the /malware/ and /human virus/ that pervades our dominant /software/ across the planet in making our /selves/, our /lives/, our /experience/ our /realities/ generates deep splits, polarizations, fragmentation and systematic alienation from our ((Foundational LogoSphere)): the Global Light of ((Reason)), Primary ((Being)), Original Primal ((Word)), a deeper version of our ((Original Self)) and the Foundation of Love, Freedom, Sacred Space, Nature, Reality and Moral Law.