
  • EP8. Celebrate your accent! (提高你的英文发音;爱上你的独特口音) - EP8. 提高你的英文发音; 爱上你的独特口音
    Nov 1 2023
    This episode explains the difference between accent and pronunciation. We talk with a language expert who highlights the importance of embracing our unique accent while also improving pronunciation for better communication. - 本集内容对话语言学家,在解释了口音(accent)和发音(pronunciation)之间区别的同时, 还强调了拥抱我们独特口音的重要性。节目中还分享了简易有趣的方法,帮助大家纠正英文发音,以助于更清晰的表达。
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    26 min
  • EP7. Express gratitude (如何用英语表达感谢) - EP7. 如何用英语表达感谢
    Oct 25 2023
    Learn how to express gratitude in different situations, whether through speaking or writing. This episode also talks about the cultural differences between giving gifts in China and Australia. - 本期节目讨论中澳之间对待“送礼”的文化差异。并教大家用英语,在不同情境下,礼貌的表达感谢。
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    27 min
  • EP6. Rethink Chinese English (澳洲人能听懂我的“中式英语”吗?) - EP6. 澳洲人能听懂我的“中式英语”吗?
    Oct 18 2023
    Mandarin speakers should feel proud of our Chinese English instead of being embarrassed. In this episode, we talk to a linguistic expert about how we can use our unique blend of Chinese and English, called Chinglish or Chinese English, to make learning English more enjoyable. - 普通话使用者应该为我们的中式英语感到自豪,而不是感到尴尬。在这一集中,我们与语言专家讨论了如何利用我们独特的中英混合语言,即中式英语或中式英语,使学习英语更加愉快。
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    22 min
  • EP5. Build an English learning habit (在忙碌生活中培养英语学习习惯) - EP5. 在忙碌生活中培养英语学习习惯
    Oct 11 2023
    Living a busy life, not everyone can find time to attend an English class. Don't worry! This episode shares clever ways to create a smart habit of learning English that easily fits into your busy life. - “没有时间”是很多新移民无法坚持学英文的主要原因之一。本期播客对话资深的英文老师,讨论成年人如何在忙碌的生活中培养良好的英文学习习惯。
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    28 min
  • EP4. Write an email (如何回复老师的邮件) - EP4. 如何回复老师的邮件
    Oct 4 2023
    Writing emails is one of the main ways teachers communicate with parents in Australia. In this episode, we'll discuss the parent-teacher relationship in Australia and teach you a basic email structure called SHOWS. This structure will help you write clear and effective emails. - 在澳洲,写邮件是老师与家长之间沟通的主要方式。本期播客分享写作结构SHOWS,让大家轻松掌握英文邮件写作。节目中还就 “家长和老师” 这一关系在中澳之间文化和交流上的差异展开讨论。
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    27 min
  • EP3. Aussie slang (超好用的澳式俚语) - EP3. 超好用的澳式俚语
    Sep 27 2023
    Australian English has lots of slang words and phrases that can sometimes feel like an completely different language altogether. In this episode, you'll learn some basic Aussie slang and how to use them in conversation. - 澳大利亚英语中有着许多俚语词汇和短语。这些表达可能与我们在英文课本上学习的意思大不相同。本集中,您将学习一些常用的基本澳式俚语,并能够在日常对话中正确的使用它们。
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    23 min
  • EP2. Understand numbers (听懂英文中有关数字的描述) - EP2. 听懂英文中有关数字的描述
    Sep 21 2023
    If you're not familiar with numbers, you might end up SPENDING MORE, especially when buying a house. This episode explains the differences in how numbers are described in Chinese and English. It helps you understand numbers better, so that you can avoid making “expensive mistakes”. - 对很多英文学习者来说,听懂英文中对于数字的描述是一大难点。本期节目,讨论中英文之间对"数字"和"数学单位"描述的区别,并帮助您更好地理解英文中有关数字的表达。
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    23 min
  • EP1. Introduce yourself (如何用英文做自我介绍) - EP1. 如何用英文做自我介绍
    Sep 13 2023
    Meet Vanessa and hear how she learns how to introduce herself in casual situations. You’ll also learn common expressions that you can use for small talk so that you can keep the conversation going. - 首期节目带您认识刚来澳洲一年的新移民Vanessa。曾是“新闻主播”的她想要学习如何用英文在各种场合介绍自己。
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    28 min