Welcome Back B-oo's Crew! This week we head down to Mexico City and visit the famous...Island of the Dead Dolls! What stared out as raised gardens for the Aztecs, the chinampas were used as a refuge during the time of Hernan Cortes and they say, 30.000 bodys once littered these waterways. In the 1950's a man named Don julian Santana Barrera would travel here and claim to find the body of a drowned little girl.
He eventually abandoned his family and moved to the small island, creating a shrine to the spirit of the little. Over time his collection of dolls grew into the tens of thousands and would become a dark attraction. When Don Julian died in the same spot he claimed to have found the body of the girl, his nephew took over the island and it has become a travel destination. Get ready B-oo's Crew, this one is both terrifying and sad, as we visit...The Island Of The Dead Dolls!
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For The B-oo's uses strong language and may not be suitable for all audiences, listener discretion is advised!
Sources for this episode: Discovery.com, guinessworldrecords.com, remosince1988.com, nypost.com, thelittlehouseofhorrors.com, allthatsinteresting.com, verywellhealth.com, healthline.com, tripadvisor.com, factschology.com
All music and sound effects courtesy of http://www.pixabay.com and freesound.org
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