Episode 60: Kj opens this episode with the Most Midwestern Moment of the Week (1:05) before welcoming back Christopher Giannini (@ChrisBGiannini on Twitter) for a special report. Christopher tells us all about his first experience doing stand-up comedy (3:08)! We wrap it all up with Taste Test with the Hall of Famer (37:56)! Kj and the Hall of Famer taste a Strawberry and Pineapple Salty Wind Gose from Crystal Coast Brewing and a Sour Me! Sour Ale from Duclaw Brewing Company.
A good (central) time was had by all! https://twitter.com/https://twitter.com/ChrisBGiannini/status/1649757683887603713?s=20ChrisBGiannini/status/1649757683887603713?s=20
Music: All music by Kj Ohnstad (with the exception of the Introduction music which is by Kj Ohnstad and Jason Fuse).
Graphics by Jenni Ohnstad (lumineacreative.com) Twitter: @MidwestBiasPod, @buffalo_alice (Kj) Email: midwestbiaspod@gmail.com
Phone: 612-361-9431
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