
  • 02-13-25 AN EMBARRASSMENT - Combating Satan with Repentance and Forgiveness - It's Your Divine Destiny
    Feb 13 2025

    AN EMBARRASSMENT - Combating Satan with Repentance and Forgiveness - It's Your Divine Destiny

    It's Your Divine Destiny Radio Show on KXXT1010AM Arizona Family Values Radio. Original Air Date on KXXT: 2/13/2025

    Thank you for visiting It’s Your Divine Destiny - Bringing you words of wisdom straight from the heart of our Father!

    ..Let your 'yes' be 'yes' and your 'no' be 'no'. If you say yes, then let your actions follow suit. Because you have labeled yourself as mine. And when you tell someone you will do XYZ and you neglect that promise, you are embarrassing me and my holy Kingdom. Therefore repent...

    Hebrews 10:30
    For we know Him who said, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. And again, “The LORD will judge His people.”

    Psalm 37:20-21
    The wicked borrow and do not repay, but the righteous are gracious and giving.

    1 Thessalonians 5:17
    Pray without ceasing.

    We invite you to join Janet Mata on KXXT1010am every Thursday at 4:15PM and Sunday at 9:45AM Arizona time online or on radio, or join the program on SoundCloud or OmnyStudio on demand anytime worldwide.

    Radio Host: Janet Mata
    Announcer: Ramon Bonilla
    To shop: www.BeautyforAshesBoutique.com
    YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/channel/UCicoJYPshd4Qec4Pv_pQMSA
    SoundCloud Broadcast: @its-your-devine-destiny
    Omny Studio Broadcast: omny.fm/shows/it-s-your-divine-destiny
    KXXT1010 Broadcast: familyvaluesradio1010.com/radioshow/it…vine-destiny
    Its Your Divine Destiny Website: www.ItsYourDivineDestiny.com
    PDF download of the word, "An Embarrassment" for sharing: Coming Soon

    Background music by Kimberly and Alberto Rivera and is available at: www.beautyforashesboutique.com/gekialrisowo.html

    ASEA REDOX Website itsyourdivinedestiny.myasealive.com

    ASEA Testimonies: realredoxresults.com/video-details/rrr42 password: redox

    ASEA REDOX Benefits:

    Scientifically shown to signal the activation of genes that:

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    Sow a Seed to It's Your Divine Destiny: https://checkout.square.site/merchant/GX9E4F1T0680E/checkout/DORTGDAFV5GJRJVSLW36SRGI

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    14 min
  • 02-06-25 MY GLORY - It Can Utterly Destroy and Can Bring Healing! - It's Your Divine Destiny
    Feb 6 2025

    MY GLORY - It Can Utterly Destroy and Can Bring Healing! - It's Your Divine Destiny

    It's Your Divine Destiny Radio Show on KXXT1010AM Arizona Family Values Radio. Original Air Date on KXXT: 8/6/2015

    Thank you for visiting It’s Your Divine Destiny - Bringing you words of wisdom straight from the heart of our Father!

    ..For never has there been such a time as this nor will there ever be again. Behold my glory! It can utterly destroy and can bring complete healing and restoration and cause complete submission. My glory, my glory will help you to accomplish mighty feats. My glory will go before you, surround you, and linger behind you. It will be your staple food. I will be your staple drink, and you will be poured out upon the open sea of humanity as a drink offering – a sacrifice most pleasing to me...

    1 John 4:1-6
    Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world.
    You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. They are from the world and therefore speak from the viewpoint of the world, and the world listens to them. We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood.

    Resource - Christians Going to Hell Book by Sueng Bu Yeoung

    We invite you to join Janet Mata on KXXT1010am every Thursday at 4:15PM and Sunday at 9:45AM Arizona time online or on radio, or join the program on SoundCloud or OmnyStudio on demand anytime worldwide.

    Radio Host: Janet Mata
    Announcer: Ramon Bonilla
    To shop: www.BeautyforAshesBoutique.com
    YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/channel/UCicoJYPshd4Qec4Pv_pQMSA
    SoundCloud Broadcast: @its-your-devine-destiny
    Omny Studio Broadcast: omny.fm/shows/it-s-your-divine-destiny
    KXXT1010 Broadcast: familyvaluesradio1010.com/radioshow/it…vine-destiny
    Its Your Divine Destiny Website: www.ItsYourDivineDestiny.com
    PDF download of the word, "My Glory" for sharing: Coming Soon

    Background music by Kimberly and Alberto Rivera and is available at: www.beautyforashesboutique.com/gekialrisowo.html

    Sow a Seed to It's Your Divine Destiny: https://checkout.square.site/merchant/GX9E4F1T0680E/checkout/DORTGDAFV5GJRJVSLW36SRGI

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    14 min
  • 01-30-25 COME AWAY WITH ME - I Desire Your Friendship and Love - It's Your Divine Destiny
    Jan 30 2025

    COME AWAY WITH ME - I Desire Your Friendship and Love - It's Your Divine Destiny
    Original Air Date: 8/4/2016
    Thank you for visiting It’s Your Divine Destiny - Bringing you words of wisdom straight from the heart of our Father!

    ..."Yes, be willing not to know where you are going and allow me to lead you to your destiny calling. It's OK not to be in control. Give me the steering wheel to your life, and follow in my ways, for I have much to teach you. Listen to my voice for I am calling out to you day and night. I desire your friendship and love. Honor me and I will honor you. I have a first class ticket to our destination, fully paid for. It was quite expensive. But it was worth it to me. Because I love you so much, you see. That is how much I love you....

    Song of Solomon 2:10
    My lover said to me, "Rise up, my darling! Come away with me, my fair one!
    We praise the name of our Father in Heaven who loves us and who speaks!

    I Corinthians 15:33
    Don't be fooled by those who say such things, for "bad company corrupts good character."

    The Word of the Lord ends with proclamation and repentance prayer and decrees.

    We invite you to join Janet Mata on KXXT1010am every Thursday at 4:15PM and Sunday at 9:45AM Arizona time online or on radio, or join the program on SoundCloud or OmnyStudio on demand anytime worldwide.

    Radio Host: Janet Mata
    Announcer: Ramon Bonilla
    To shop: www.BeautyforAshesBoutique.com
    YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/channel/UCicoJYPshd4Qec4Pv_pQMSA
    SoundCloud Broadcast: @its-your-devine-destiny
    Omny Studio Broadcast: omny.fm/shows/it-s-your-divine-destiny
    KXXT1010 Broadcast: familyvaluesradio1010.com/radioshow/it…vine-destiny
    Its Your Divine Destiny Website: www.ItsYourDivineDestiny.com
    PDF download of the word, "Come Away With Me" for sharing: Coming Soon

    Background music by Kimberly and Alberto Rivera and is available at: www.beautyforashesboutique.com/gekialrisowo.html

    Sow a Seed to It's Your Divine Destiny: https://checkout.square.site/merchant/GX9E4F1T0680E/checkout/DORTGDAFV5GJRJVSLW36SRGI

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    14 min
  • 01-23-25 ABANDON EVERYTHING ..To Purchase Oil for Your Lamps - It's Your Divine Destiny
    Jan 23 2025

    ABANDON EVERYTHING ..To Purchase Oil for Your Lamps - It's Your Divine Destiny

    Original Air Date: 2/14/19 on KXXT1010AM Family Values Radio

    Thank you for visiting It’s Your Divine Destiny - Bringing you words of wisdom straight from the heart of our Father!

    ...Abandon everything you thought was important, to purchase for yourselves oil for your lamps, so they do not go out in time of need...

    ..Beloved, you have need of backup oil so you will be prepared in the coming days ahead. If you wait any longer, there may not be any time to go out and purchase it, for just as the foolish virgins ran out of oil, and missed the bridegrooms return, due to their lack of preparedness, so it shall be with you, if you are unwilling to prepare ahead of time in this manner....

    Matthew 25: 1-13
    The Parable of the Ten Virgins
    At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five were wise. The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take along any extra oil. But the wise ones took oil in flasks along with their lamps. When the bridegroom was delayed, they all became drowsy and fell asleep.
    At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here is the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’
    Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. The foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.’
    ‘No,’ said the wise ones, ‘or there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.’
    But while they were on their way to buy it, the bridegroom arrived. Those who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet, and the door was shut.
    Later, the other virgins arrived and said, ‘Lord, Lord, open the door for us!’
    But he replied, ‘Truly I tell you, I do not know you.’
    Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.

    We invite you to join Janet Mata on KXXT1010am every Thursday at 4:15PM and Sunday at 9:45AM Arizona time online or on radio, or join the program on SoundCloud or OmnyStudio on demand anytime worldwide.

    Radio Host: Janet Mata
    Announcer: Ramon Bonilla
    To shop: www.BeautyforAshesBoutique.com
    YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/channel/UCicoJYPshd4Qec4Pv_pQMSA
    SoundCloud Broadcast: @its-your-devine-destiny
    Omny Studio Broadcast: omny.fm/shows/it-s-your-divine-destiny
    KXXT1010 Broadcast: familyvaluesradio1010.com/radioshow/it…vine-destiny
    Its Your Divine Destiny Website: www.ItsYourDivineDestiny.com
    PDF download of the word, "Abandon Everything" for sharing: Coming Soon

    Background music by Kimberly and Alberto Rivera and is available at: www.beautyforashesboutique.com/gekialrisowo.html

    Sow a Seed to It's Your Divine Destiny: https://checkout.square.site/merchant/GX9E4F1T0680E/checkout/DORTGDAFV5GJRJVSLW36SRGI

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    13 min
  • 01-16-25 THE CHOICE IS YOURS - Trial and Error or Disobedience? - It's Your Divine Destiny
    Jan 16 2025

    THE CHOICE IS YOURS - Trial and Error or Disobedience? - It's Your Divine Destiny
    Original Air Date: 6/25/15 on KXXT1010AM Family Values Radio

    Thank you for visiting It’s Your Divine Destiny - Bringing you words of wisdom straight from the heart of our Father!

    ..For I have not called any to perish but to succeed. “It's impossible” you say, “to do all you ask.” On the contrary, perfection is the continuous desire of your heart towards me. It is a love that never dies and desires me above everything else. It is a love so great that nothing else really matters...

    Leviticus 19:2
    "Speak to the entire assembly of Israel and say to them: 'Be holy because I, the LORD your God, am holy.

    Deuteronomy 18:13
    You must be blameless before the LORD your God.
    2 Samuel 22:31 "As for God, his way is perfect: The LORD's word is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in him. 2 Corinthians 7:1 Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.

    Ephesians 5:1
    Follow God's example, therefore, as dearly loved children

    Philippians 3:12
    Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.

    There is repentance and prayer at the end of the show.

    We invite you to join Janet Mata on KXXT1010am every Thursday at 4:15PM and Sunday at 9:45AM Arizona time online or on radio, or join the program on SoundCloud or OmnyStudio on demand anytime worldwide.

    Radio Host: Janet Mata
    Announcer: Ramon Bonilla
    To shop: www.BeautyforAshesBoutique.com
    YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/channel/UCicoJYPshd4Qec4Pv_pQMSA
    SoundCloud Broadcast: @its-your-devine-destiny
    Omny Studio Broadcast: omny.fm/shows/it-s-your-divine-destiny
    KXXT1010 Broadcast: familyvaluesradio1010.com/radioshow/it…vine-destiny
    Its Your Divine Destiny Website: www.ItsYourDivineDestiny.com
    PDF download of the word, "The Choice is Yours" for sharing: Coming Soon

    Background music by Kimberly and Alberto Rivera.
    Music by Kimberly and Alberto Rivera and is available at: www.beautyforashesboutique.com/gekialrisowo.html

    Sow a Seed to It's Your Divine Destiny: https://checkout.square.site/merchant/GX9E4F1T0680E/checkout/DORTGDAFV5GJRJVSLW36SRGI

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    14 min
  • 01-09-25 COME TO ME - Jesus is Able to Save You! - It's Your Divine Destiny
    Jan 9 2025

    COME TO ME - Jesus is Able to Save You! - It's Your Divine Destiny
    Original Air Date: 5/10/18

    Thank you for visiting It’s Your Divine Destiny - Bringing you words of wisdom straight from the heart of our Father!

    ..So come to me all you who have no money or resources and I will share all I have with you. For I own all the gold and the silver. I have access to every resource.

    Matthew 7:25
    Therefore he is able, once and forever, to save those who come to God through him. He lives forever to intercede with God on their behalf

    Spoken by radio host Janet Mata - these words were given directly from the Lord. Repentance and prayer is included at the end of the show.

    We invite you to join Janet Mata on KXXT1010am every Thursday at 4:15PM and Sunday at 9:45AM Arizona time online or on radio, or join the program on SoundCloud or OmnyStudio on demand anytime worldwide.

    Announcer: Ramon Bonilla
    To shop: www.BeautyforAshesBoutique.com
    YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/channel/UCicoJYPshd4Qec4Pv_pQMSA
    SoundCloud Broadcast: @its-your-devine-destiny
    Omny Studio Broadcast: omny.fm/shows/it-s-your-divine-destiny
    KXXT1010 Broadcast: familyvaluesradio1010.com/radioshow/it…vine-destiny
    Its Your Divine Destiny Website: www.ItsYourDivineDestiny.com
    PDF download of the word, "Come to Me" for sharing: Coming Soon

    Background music by Kimberly and Alberto Rivera and is available at: www.beautyforashesboutique.com/gekialrisowo.html

    Sow a Seed to It's Your Divine Destiny: https://checkout.square.site/merchant/GX9E4F1T0680E/checkout/DORTGDAFV5GJRJVSLW36SRGI

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    13 min
  • 01-02-25 THE WOODEN SPOON - Victory Over Childhood Abuse - It's Your Divine Destiny
    Jan 2 2025

    THE WOODEN SPOON - Victory Over Childhood Abuse - It's Your Divine Destiny

    Original Air Date: 1/2/2025

    Thank you for visiting It’s Your Divine Destiny - Bringing you words of wisdom straight from the heart of our Father!

    ....I have been saved now for over 20 years and just recently went through another layer of the bitterness, and pain from the past.
    I thought it was all healed, and forgiven! But every circumstance requires another healing. It’s a process....

    Mark 11:25
    And when you stand to pray, if you hold anything against another, forgive it, so that your Father in heaven will forgive your trespasses as well

    1 John 4:18
    There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

    Psalm 34:18 ESV
    The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.

    Isaiah 41:10
    Don't be afraid, because I am with you. Don't be intimidated; I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will support you with my victorious right hand.

    Radio Show ends in prayer, forgiveness and proclamations.

    We invite you to join Janet Mata on KXXT1010am every Thursday at 4:15PM and Sunday at 9:45AM Arizona time online or on radio, or join the program on SoundCloud or OmnyStudio on demand anytime worldwide.

    Announcer: Ramon Bonilla
    To shop: www.BeautyforAshesBoutique.com
    YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/channel/UCicoJYPshd4Qec4Pv_pQMSA
    SoundCloud Broadcast: @its-your-devine-destiny
    Omny Studio Broadcast: omny.fm/shows/it-s-your-divine-destiny
    KXXT1010 Broadcast: www.familyvaluesradio1010.com/radioshow/…ne-destiny
    Its Your Divine Destiny Website: www.ItsYourDivineDestiny.com
    Link to "The Wooden Spoon" Article: itsyourdivinedestiny.wordpress.com/2019/10…-spoon/

    Background music by Kimberly and Alberto Rivera and is available at: www.beautyforashesboutique.com/gekialrisowo.html

    Sow a Seed to It's Your Divine Destiny: https://checkout.square.site/merchant/GX9E4F1T0680E/checkout/DORTGDAFV5GJRJVSLW36SRGI

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    14 min
  • 12-26-24 LOVE IS THE GREATEST - Love One Another - Its Your Divine Destiny
    Dec 26 2024

    LOVE IS THE GREATEST - Love One Another - It's Your Divine Destiny

    Original Air Date: 12/26/2024

    Thank you for visiting It’s Your Divine Destiny - Bringing you words of wisdom straight from the heart of our Father!

    ....Love is dominion and love is power. Why not love? Not fake love. Which is manipulative and destroys via betrayal. Rather, the love of God requires submission. You have not love, if you don't have God. You need me to love, That is, the powerful. healing love that destroys darkness and brings utter healing...

    Proverbs 10:12
    Hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers all transgressions.

    1 John 3:16-18
    By this we know what love is: Jesus laid down His life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. / If anyone with earthly possessions sees his brother in need, but withholds his compassion from him, how can the love of God abide in him? / Little children, let us love not in word and speech, but in action and truth.

    1 John 4:7-8
    Beloved, let us love one another, because love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. / Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. Colossians 3:14 And over all these virtues put on love, which is the bond of perfect unity.

    John 13:34-35
    A new commandment I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you also must love one another. / By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another.”

    Radio Show ends in prayer and proclamations.

    We invite you to join Janet Mata on KXXT1010am every Thursday at 4:15PM and Sunday at 9:45AM Arizona time online or on radio, or join the program on SoundCloud or OmnyStudio on demand anytime worldwide.

    Announcer: Ramon Bonilla
    To shop: www.BeautyforAshesBoutique.com
    YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/channel/UCicoJYPshd4Qec4Pv_pQMSA
    SoundCloud Broadcast: @its-your-devine-destiny
    Omny Studio Broadcast: omny.fm/shows/it-s-your-divine-destiny
    KXXT1010 Broadcast: www.familyvaluesradio1010.com/radioshow/…ne-destiny
    Its Your Divine Destiny Website: www.ItsYourDivineDestiny.com
    PDF download of the word, "Love is the Greatest!" for sharing: Coming Soon!

    Background music by Kimberly and Alberto Rivera and is available at: www.beautyforashesboutique.com/gekialrisowo.html

    Sow a Seed to It's Your Divine Destiny: https://checkout.square.site/merchant/GX9E4F1T0680E/checkout/DORTGDAFV5GJRJVSLW36SRGI

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    14 min