Whelp... This is crazy. What a weekend. Sorry about the delay, but it's Friday Somewhere! :)
Today I want to talk to you about some of the things that I found while building a couple of businesses. The first thing is that you have to establish your brand. You have to know what makes you different and that is the one thing that you have to hang your hat on if you're going to succeed.
I've had businesses that were brand built and businesses that were basically me selling the same fork as the guy down the road. If we're all selling forks then the only difference is the price and my friend the race to the bottom when it comes to price is not a race you want to win.
In this episode we are going to set you up for success. In this episode I'm going to give you three things that you should think about before you start your own business. Next week we get going so make sure that you take a listen and do the exercises that I talk about in this episode. See you on the other side.