
  • Episode 33- It's a lovely time to make time for your family, by taking care of yourself first
    Apr 3 2023

    Today I'm talking about creating intentional space for family time starts with making intentional time for you.

    We get caught up in the lie that if we don't spend all of this time with our kids that we are some how less of a parent

    The shift in mothers going to work out of the home

    Through lived experiences that we were able to look at our traumas holistically and recognize the patterns than needed to change.

    I see this in more of my mothers mothers generation, where it was still fairly uncommon for women to work outside of the home and very much shamed if actually done.

    The reality of raising kids today being "busier"

    The "expectancy" to get ALL of these things done with limited time as working moms

    Identify major pain points and solve those solutions first. Write it out and really work through the cost associated and it's worth to your family unit.

    Your husband can help! Michael and I are excited for an upcoming episode about this exact point, so more to come on how your partner is not "helping you out" he's doing his part & you should not feel guilty.

    Be honest and forth coming about your needs and expectations

    Ultimately, avoid busy-ness and make time for things that matter to you

    - Taco Tuesday & game night

    - 1:1 dates with each kid

    Create routines and habits that will help you to make life a little easier

    For example, pizza on Tuesdays because Michael works late

    Sunday set to review the calendar for the week ahead and do our marriage journal

    Hello lovely,

    Meg here, I'm glad you stopped by to listen in!

    Please always feel free to DM me on IG! I look forward to growing with you and sharing my experiences in this crazy journey and would love to hear more about yours.

    ⁠Megs IG⁠ | ⁠It's a Lovely Time IG⁠

    X's & O's, Megs

    Voir plus Voir moins
    29 min
  • Episode 32- It’s a lovely time to chat with Carl from Local Business Hacks- a reintroduction to Meg
    Mar 27 2023

    Today I'm talking about a podcast interview I got the pleasure of taking with Carl the Local business hacks podcast reached out to Regan, the president of Pure Barre for an interview, and the CMO at our corporate office referred him to me for an interview. I am reintroducing myself to you here but invite you to listen to the interview with Carl to hear the following takeaways!

    • How to implement a few simple things that can turn your business around and put it on the path to success

    • How to become a better leader in your business

    • Why business owners need to realize that confidence is a muscle

    • Why it’s imperative for business owners to get into the day-to-day of your business and do the dirty work

    • Why it’s important for business owners to remember that sometimes your journey begins far before you are actually aware of it

    Local Business Hacks- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/local-business-hacks/id1558126970?i=1000600929976

    This episode is also available as a blog post: https://pursuewithfluency.com/2022/10/20/its-a-lovely-time-to-chat-with-carl-from-local-business-hacks/


    Hello lovely,

    Meg here, I'm glad you stopped by to listen in!

    Please always feel free to DM me on IG! I look forward to growing with you and sharing my experiences in this crazy journey and would love to hear more about yours.

    ⁠Megs IG⁠ | ⁠It's a Lovely Time IG⁠

    X's & O's, Megs

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    12 min
  • Episode 31- It's a lovely time to find your definition of success
    Mar 20 2023

    Today I'm talking about how your definition of success, where it comes from and how to define it so that you're headed in a clear direction

    - chatting about the definition of success we learn as a child

    - what our parents think of us or what we perceive based on the language used

    - how to overcome some of those stories we've told ourselves, good or bad if it doesn't align with what actually brings you joy

    - my dad telling me college isn't the path for everyone and "releasing me" from that lie I told myself

    - Therapy helping me understand what those "lies" really were as I had come to believe them as my truths

    - social media or negative work culture "keeping up with the jones"

    - how to get clear and aligned with who you are, what you want and how having what you want makes you feel this takes time in stillness, meditation, pause and reflection

    - lifestyle entrepreneurs goal is to have a have a quality of life vs a growth entrepreneurs


    Hello lovely,

    Meg here, I'm glad you stopped by to listen in!

    Please always feel free to DM me on IG! I look forward to growing with you and sharing my experiences in this crazy journey and would love to hear more about yours.

    ⁠Megs IG⁠ | ⁠It's a Lovely Time IG⁠

    X's & O's, Megs

    Voir plus Voir moins
    26 min
  • Episode 30- It's a lovely time to become who you were meant to be, there are no shortcuts
    Feb 27 2023

    Today I'm talking about how there are no shortcuts to becoming who you were meant to be. The journey is worth being traveled.
    Typically, I'll record episodes, weeks if not months in advance but after a weekend of filling my cup I had to share this morning. This notion that somehow we will wake up to be who we were meant to be, tomorrow is something that continues to be brought up. As if we can simply do a few right things or if somehow we do "all the right things" we will suddenly have it all figured out.

    - "riding a bike"
    - john wooden, learning to tie your shoes https://www.riskology.co/better-shoelaces/
    - my story

    -- Growing up, even today my dad has said on occasion, "I'm still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up" if you heard him say this as a stranger walking by, you wouldn't know that he's a distinguished attorney who specializes Mergers and Acquisitions, compliance, corporate finance, corporate governance, employee benefits, insurance, litigation management, and securities law. Knowing what I know about my father, it's always encouraged me to look beyond what I'm doing in the present moment and how I can truly be "anything I want to be" While yes, I have specific goals in mind there are things I'm doing today that I know won't last forever.

    - You may be surprised to learn that after my family moved from state to state and I tried to keep up with the changes in college requirements, I eventually dropped out of college just a year or so short of a diploma. Feeling the stress to begin paying back my original student loans and not having any real direction at the time I was getting by as I had throughout most of my life on hope & a dream but there was no clear vision and without any mindfulness practices in place, there's really only one thing to attribute my success or lack of falling flat on my face too, so thank you, God.

    - We moved consistently every 1-3 years throughout my childhood making me a master of fitting in but this ultimately led to me lying and doing my best to fit into places when I didn't belong and so desperately wanted to feel that sense of belonging that I see now. But as a child, I was not seen for those lies and shortcomings as a coping strategy but I was told that I was a "story teller" and accused of being a liar. Maybe that's why one of my core values today is honesty. If you are a close friend you know that I would rather be told the ugliest truth than a lie and if you do lie, it's almost impossible for me to come back from. Still working through that.

    - I didn't just wake up one day and decide to be the woman I am today. It took small consistent steps to better who I am, not being afraid to start shedding light on some of the really awful truths that I was afraid of anyone finding out from my past, including me.
    - Therapy, lots of therapy, from EMDR to traditional talk therapy and neurofeedback. I am a huge advocate of therapy and finding the right therapist. I have actually stood up and respectfully walked out of a therapist's office after she asked me what I thought I should be doing. She was clearly in over her head and did not have much to offer me after my extensive therapy sessions of the past. I am begging you, if you've had a bad experience, don't let that stop you from finding a good one. It's not always the perfect fit the first time but you are worth finding the right match.

    - daily meditation, still sometimes a struggle to fit in
    - movement
    - practicing "clear is kind"

    - shitty first drafts are a way of life for my otherwise brash personality, I am an enneagram 8, the challenger, a strong visionary and hell hath no fury like a Meghan focused, although those moments are fleeting, especially while pregnant without my ADHD medication but watch out world.

    References: Brene Brown- Raising Strong

    Hello lovely, Meg here, I'm glad you stopped by to listen in! P

    Voir plus Voir moins
    38 min
  • Episode 29- It’s a lovely time to realize you are who you say you are
    Feb 13 2023

    Today I'm talking about how you really are you you say you are. Our words are powerful so choose them wisely! What you say and how you say it matters, when you're speaking to others and especially your inner dialogue. You have the power to change who you are, you just have to believe it.

    This episode is also available as a blog post: https://pursuewithfluency.com/2023/01/07/its-a-lovely-time-to-realize-you-are-who-you-say-you-are/


    Hello lovely,

    Meg here, I'm glad you stopped by to listen in!

    Please always feel free to DM me on IG! I look forward to growing with you and sharing my experiences in this crazy journey and would love to hear more about yours.

    Megs IG | It's a Lovely Time IG

    X's & O's, Megs

    Voir plus Voir moins
    23 min
  • Episode 28- It’s a lovely time to blow up “new year, new you”, that's a bunch of bull
    Feb 6 2023

    Why the clock didn't strike midnight and turn you into anything special. You're still the same lovely lady you've been all along, heels and dress or rags and barefeet. The new year new you BS has to stop. We are setting ourselves up for failure, in arguably the longest, coldest, most challenging month of the year.

    Need a little new year mood boost? I've got you!

    This episode is also available as a blog post: https://pursuewithfluency.com/2023/01/06/its-a-lovely-time-to-blow-up-new-year-new-you/


    Hello lovely,

    Meg here, I'm glad you stopped by to listen in!

    Please always feel free to DM me on IG! I look forward to growing with you and sharing my experiences in this crazy journey and would love to hear more about yours.

    Megs IG | It's a Lovely Time IG

    X's & O's, Megs

    Voir plus Voir moins
    25 min
  • Episode 27- It’s a lovely time to choose your word for 2023
    Jan 30 2023

    In today's episode of It's a lovely time I'm back and it's 2022, A LOT and I mean a lot had changed in a few short months and I'm on fire and ready to kick start this new year. I'll be shifting gears slightly but still bringing you the same type of content. More motherhood, more raw, more real, more life from every which way. Motherhood, entrepreneurship, relationships and wellness, it's a journey and it's all coming at me just as fast as you. Sister, I'm so glad you're here and look forward to growing through this season with you.

    Today's episode is the opener for season TWO! And I'm talking all about choosing your word for the year. No rush, it might take some time. I'm here to unpack choosing your word and why the hell I think you should choose one in the first place.

    Let's dive in!

    This episode is also available as a blog post: https://pursuewithfluency.com/2023/01/06/its-a-lovely-time-to-choose-your-word-for-2023/


    Hello lovely,

    Meg here, I'm glad you stopped by to listen in!

    Please always feel free to DM me on IG! I look forward to growing with you and sharing my experiences in this crazy journey and would love to hear more about yours.

    Megs IG | It's a Lovely Time IG

    X's & O's, Megs

    Voir plus Voir moins
    25 min
  • Episode 26- It's a lovely time to look back at meg's wellness journey
    Nov 3 2022

    In today's episode of It's a lovely time I'm looking back, on my wellness journey. Ending the season, the same way it started, with rapid fire episodes to close out each category.

    Taking a moment to reflect and vulnerably share, before stepping into season 2. As I've continued to say, living with intentionality and purpose is incredibly important to me. I've been feeling called to share more about where I've been before I continue to share today's experiences and where I'm going. I look forward to hearing from you and coming back to Season 2 refreshed and ready. I'm glad you're here.

    This episode is also available as a blog post: https://pursuewithfluency.com/2022/10/20/its-a-lovely-time-to-look-back-wellness/


    Hello lovely,

    Meg here, I'm glad you stopped by to listen in!

    Please always feel free to DM me on IG! I look forward to growing with you and sharing my experiences in this crazy journey and would love to hear more about yours.

    Megs IG | It's a Lovely Time IG

    X's & O's, Megs

    Voir plus Voir moins
    25 min