This Joint and Coalition-based operational video is designed to more effectively communicate how JDAT can help solve crucial warfighter, system, and interoperability shortfalls in support of Combatant Commands, Centers of Excellence, DOT&E, select-DOD schoolhouses, and other key partners. This short video can be used to familiarize U.S. and Coalition military leaders about JDAT's unique capabilities, resources, and products that when fully leveraged can enhance interoperability, command and control operations, and overall mission effectiveness in today's challenging and ever-evolving operational environment. JDAT is a division under the Joint Staff J6 and collaborates and/or supports numerous military organizations and partners including: - Combatant Commands - Centers of Excellence - Service OTAs, USD AT&L, DOT&E - Select Service and Coalition Program Offices - A variety of DOD Schoolhouses - Service Centers for Lessons Learned - Joint and Coalition Warfighters! Bottom line: JDAT develops warfighter-focused analysis plans, and conducts data collection and root cause analysis to help solve capability gaps and shortfalls that will ultimately enhance mission effectiveness while reducing the potential of fratricide and collateral damage.