
  • The Preincarnate Christ: Old Testament Appearances of Jesus
    Nov 29 2024

    This excerpt from Jamin Bradley's Supernatural Justice explores the Angel of the Lord in the Old Testament, arguing that this figure is a pre-incarnate manifestation of Jesus. The author highlights instances where the Angel of the Lord acts with divine authority, blurring the lines between himself and Yahweh. This interpretation aligns with Christian Trinitarian theology, positing Jesus's existence before his earthly life and his multifaceted nature. The text further supports this claim by referencing Jesus's own statements and appearances in the New Testament, drawing parallels between his descriptions and those of the Angel of the Lord. Ultimately, the passage emphasizes Jesus's supreme position as both divine and human, encompassing all hierarchies and possessing ultimate authority.

    Read the original here: https://jaminbradley.com/2024/11/29/the-preincarnate-christ-old-testament-appearances-of-jesus/

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    18 min
  • The Kingdom Clash: Prophets in a World of Injustice
    Nov 27 2024

    Jamin Bradley's Supernatural Justice excerpt discusses the role of prophets as messengers of Yahweh, delivering messages of justice and challenging the unjust systems of Babel. These prophets, often facing persecution and death for their truth-telling, are portrayed as voices for the poor and oppressed, opposing powerful figures who benefit from the status quo. Their message, though unwelcome by those in power, is driven by Yahweh's unwavering commitment to justice and a passionate desire for societal transformation. The text highlights the contrast between true prophets and false prophets who cater to the desires of rulers, emphasizing the inherent risks and unpopularity associated with conveying divine truth.

    Read the original post here: https://jaminbradley.com/2024/11/27/the-kingdom-clash-prophets-in-a-world-of-injustice/

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    19 min
  • Angelic Voices in Human Skin
    Nov 26 2024

    This excerpt from Jamin Bradley's book, Supernatural Justice, explores the biblical concept of prophets as divine messengers. Bradley argues that prophets, like Isaiah, acted as intermediaries between God and humanity, receiving messages in heavenly visions and delivering them to the earthly realm. He highlights the frequent rejection and oppression prophets faced despite their holy calling, emphasizing the historical disconnect between divine pronouncements and human receptiveness. The excerpt uses the Hebrew word mal’āk to illustrate the parallel between angelic and prophetic roles, concluding that prophets are essentially "angelic voices in human skin." Ultimately, the passage reflects on humanity's ongoing struggle to hear and heed God's message.

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    16 min
  • They’re Not Ready Yet: How the Holy Spirit Meets Us Where We Are
    Nov 25 2024

    This blog post by Jamin Bradley discusses his experiences in deliverance ministry and the importance of God's timing in spiritual healing. He recounts personal struggles with addiction and the shame associated with purity culture, highlighting how his inability to cry stemmed from feeling unworthy. Bradley emphasizes the Holy Spirit's role in guiding the healing process, often delaying revelations until a person is ready to receive them. The post promotes his work and includes links to his social media and website. Ultimately, it advocates for a gentler, more patient approach to spiritual growth than what he critiques as a more rigid "purity culture".

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    30 min
  • Beautiful, But What Did It Mean? The Case for Comprehensible Art
    Nov 19 2024

    Jamin Bradley, a pastor, theologian, musician, and author, argues in his blog post that art, even when beautifully executed, must be comprehensible to its audience. He critiques a graphic novel he recently read, highlighting its confusing narrative and lack of clarity. He argues that great art should be thought-provoking and accessible, allowing the audience to understand and engage with the artist's intended meaning. Bradley ultimately advocates for finding a balance between creative expression and audience comprehension to ensure art effectively inspires and impacts its viewers.

    Read the original post here: https://jaminbradley.com/2024/11/19/beautiful-but-what-did-it-mean-the-case-for-comprehensible-art/

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    17 min
  • When Our Words Are Hijacked: The Case of Bonhoeffer, Jesus, and Misguided Followers
    Nov 14 2024

    Jamin Bradley, a pastor and theologian, argues that the words of important figures like Jesus and Dietrich Bonhoeffer are often misinterpreted and misused. He uses the January 6th insurrection as an example of how words can be misinterpreted to incite violence, rather than to promote understanding. Bradley points out that conservative author Eric Metaxas has misrepresented Bonhoeffer's legacy, portraying him as a right-wing figure who would have supported conservative politics, which Bradley argues is inaccurate. Bradley emphasizes the importance of studying the context and character of individuals to avoid misinterpreting their words and using them for harmful purposes.

    Read the original article here: https://jaminbradley.com/2024/11/13/when-our-words-are-hijacked-the-case-of-bonhoeffer-jesus-and-misguided-followers/

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    20 min
  • It Does Matter: Following Jesus in a Divisive Presidency
    Nov 6 2024

    Jamin Bradley, a pastor, theologian, musician, and author, argues that it is not enough to simply say “just follow Jesus” in the face of a divisive political climate. He believes that the presidency of Donald Trump has caused real suffering for many people, and that dismissing their fears and anxieties with platitudes is insensitive and unhelpful. Instead, Bradley suggests that it is important to acknowledge the impact of the political situation while also continuing to follow Jesus. He emphasizes the need to grieve with those who are suffering and to offer them support and understanding.

    Read the original post here: https://jaminbradley.com/2024/11/06/it-does-matter-following-jesus-in-a-divisive-presidency/

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    18 min
  • The Perils of Political Nostalgia: When ‘Great’ Isn’t Great for Everyone
    Oct 30 2024

    The provided text is an article by Jamin Bradley, a pastor and theologian, that critiques the concept of political nostalgia, specifically using the slogan "Make America Great Again" as an example. Bradley argues that this type of rhetoric often overlooks the historical context of the "greatness" being referenced, which may have only benefited certain groups at the expense of others. He uses biblical examples and the ideology of Nazi Germany to illustrate how a yearning for a romanticized past can be harmful, as it ignores the complexities of history and the evolution of society.

    Read the original post here: https://jaminbradley.com/2024/10/29/the-perils-of-political-nostalgia-when-great-isnt-great-for-everyone/

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    11 min