
  • Jammin & Plannin Podcast - Episode 3 - Introducing Casey "The Mangler" Nelson
    Jan 27 2025

    Join our Hosts, Johnny “Guitar” Morgan, Founder and Managing Member at ConnectedConsultants, LLC and Scotty “Kick Drum” Stathis, Founder and Managing Partner at Stathis Partners, LLC for their 3rd episode of the Jammin & Plannin Podcast as they introduce their 2nd Guest Star to the show.

    Introducing Casey "The Mangler" Nelson, VP Institution, Regional Bank Business Development Officer at LPL Financial!

    If you have had the pleasure to meet Casey in person, based on the size of his neck alone you probably assumed he played football and/or wrestled for many years of his life. And you would be right. But what you probably don't know is Casey is a multi-instrument musician and a very talented singer to boot!

    Key Topics in this Episode:

    • Casey grew up in a sports family spending countless hours in busses and cars driving to meets and games with his Mom while listening to the music that helped establish his diverse taste in music.

    • How music has played an important role in his personal life helping him decompress, relieve stress or just clear his head from whatever is going on in the world.

    • The first time Casey stepped on the stage in his professional life to a standing ovation!

    • Hilarious High School stories of his band teacher and his big debut in a quartet!

    • How a car accident turned into his first real introduction to the financial services industry.

    And much more..

    Come Join The Fun!!

    Connect with John Morgan on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnmorganconnectedconsultants/

    Connect with Scott Stathis on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottstathis/

    Connect with Casey Nelson on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/casey-nelson-w5353/

    Join our Jammin & Plannin Podcast Group on LinkedIn where we are building a fun community of like-minded professionals who enjoy good vibes, great music, delicious food, and more! https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13049013/

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    36 min
  • Jammin & Plannin - Episode 2 - Introducing Adam "Map Man" Holt
    Sep 14 2024

    Join our Hosts, Johnny “Guitar” Morgan, Founder and Managing Member at ConnectedConsultants, LLC and Scotty “Kick Drum” Stathis, Founder and Managing Partner at Stathis Partners, LLC for their 2nd episode of the Jammin & Plannin Podcast as they introduce their very first Guest Star..

    Introducing Adam "Map Man" Holt, Founder and CEO at Asset-Map!

    While Adam is very well known in the Financial Services Industry as the Award Winning CEO, Thought Leader, Podcast Co-Host, International Keynote Speaker, Recovering Financial Advisor, Rebel Dad, Friend and more, only the lucky few know all about his hilarious journey with music, and finally unleashing his inner Rock Star!

    Key Topics in this Episode:

    • Adam's excellent adventure from hoarding piano lesson checks, to "borrowing" a friends bass to learn and practice, to the Jammin & Plannin Podcast.
    • There is a rumor Adam has been known to toss a few overexuberant, inebriated groupies from the stage when necessary.
    • How Music has played a positive role in his life and business.
    • What Adam actually does in-between his non stop meetings, all day, everyday.
    • What is new at Asset-Map and how their newest tech enhancements are helping Advisors and Firms Re-Imagine Financial Planning.

    And much more..

    Come Join The Fun!!

    Connect with John Morgan on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnmorganconnectedconsultants/

    Connect with Scott Stathis on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottstathis/

    Connect with Adam Holt on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hadamholt/

    Join our Jammin & Plannin Podcast Group on LinkedIn where we are building a fun community of like-minded professionals who enjoy good vibes, great music, delicious food, and more! https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13049013/

    Voir plus Voir moins
    49 min
  • Jammin & Plannin - Origin Story
    Jul 14 2024

    Join our hosts, Johnny “Guitar” Morgan, Founder and Managing Member at ConnectedConsultants, LLC and Scotty “Kick Drum” Stathis, Founder and Managing Partner at Stathis Partners, LLC for our first episode as they discuss the origin story of the Jammin & Plannin Podcast and their own musical passions, as well as what to expect as the series continues with guests from the financial services industry!

    Key Topics in this Episode:

    • How and Why John & Scott came together to start the Jammin & Plannin Podcast
    • How each of them got started in music, what instruments they play, and how they explore this passion
    • Interesting stories around their musical journeys and how music has played a positive role in their lives
    • What they do in their day jobs and how each hopes to make a positive impact in the financial services industry.
    • Invite other financial services professionals to do the same by sharing their love of music and so much more

    Come Join The Fun!!

    Connect with John Morgan on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnmorganconnectedconsultants/

    Connect with Scott Stathis on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottstathis/

    Join our Jammin & Plannin Podcast Group on LinkedIn where we are building a great community of like-minded professionals who enjoy good vibes, great music, delicious food, and more! https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13049013/

    Voir plus Voir moins
    36 min