Rescuing Israeli Startups Amidst Conflict: A Mission of Urgency In this urgent and impactful episode, Jared shares his personal mission to support Israeli startup companies deeply affected by the ongoing war. With many founders engaged in combat, these businesses face potential collapse. Jared's initiative aims to take operational control of these startups, ensuring their survival and growth. He discusses the challenges of financing this effort and plans to expand support beyond Israel to global regions in need. Emphasizing action over passive aid, Jared builds a robust network to achieve long-lasting impact, allowing donors worldwide to see the fruits of their contributions. 00:00 Introduction to the Urgent Mission 00:42 The Impact of War on Israeli Startups 01:26 Challenges Faced by Distressed Companies 02:10 Proposed Solution: Taking Over Operations 03:10 Executing the Plan: Commercializing Dreams