This episode brings Rico Bruce Wade onto the podcast as a “Perpetual Re-brander” from Downtown Lansing, MI. This is also the first interview where we pretended to record “on location,” and I was able to put to good use all those audio editing skills I’ve learned here at MSU to create a “Theatre of the Mind,” transporting all of us to the less-than-bustling downtown region (it was after 5pm.) It’s also the first time my talented guest goes above and beyond, playing multiple characters at the same time! Once again, for more about the incomparable Rico Bruce Wade, visit And if you’re an actor and/or comedian who’d like to be on the show, reach out to us and let us know!
Website: The Rico Show
Website: Aral Gribble
Instagram: Gribbles 'n' Bits
YouTube: Trollin' the Mitten