We welcome John Gibson, a healer, poet, writer, artist and author.In his young adult years, John discovered that he had an ability and gift for helping others to feel better and find peace with themselves and this has developed and continued to the present day.What has developed through reflection, meditation, practice and experience is that inner peace is the foundation of both short and most importantly long-term healing in all of its myriad forms and consequently he sees himself as a peace giver thereby allowing the healing seed to grow naturally within the recipient.John’s continued aim is to spread peace, illumination, excellence, and healing directly and also through his written works. More recently, this has resulted in his very successful youtube channels:-Advantage Subliminal, a self-help through subliminal meditation channel and it transcends language.Father Heaven, a free wisdom art channel.They are free and dedicated to helping those who seek better mental and physical health and self-improvement.His books currently available on Amazon, are: -The Rock Philosophy (a short, life-changing story) andJesus My Brother (as seen through the eyes of his brother).The Advantage Subliminal channel is here: - https://bit.ly/42uA1aHThe Father Heaven Mother Earth channel is here:- https://bit.ly/42uA1aHIf you appreciate our efforts and would like to help us continue, then please consider donating the cost of a cup of coffee, or if you would like to assist with a financial contribution then click herehttps://radiofm88.com.au/donate-now/We use the Wise Payment SystemLive on these platformshttps://www.facebook.com/jeffrey.shaw.351 orhttps://www.facebook.com/radiofm88 oryoutube.com/@radiofm88australia oryoutube.com/@andrenaforrest orx.com/radiofm88aussieAsk Alexa - Play Radio FM Eighty Eight Australia Goto youtube and subscribehttps://youtube.com/@radiofm88australiahttps://youtube.com/@AndrenaForresthttps://youtube.com/@jeffreyshaw88 #radiofm88australia, #andrenaforrest, #jeffreyshawYour host: Jeffrey Shaw https://jeffreyshaw.com.au Your host: Andrena Forrest https://andrenaforrest.com Listen to Radio FM88 Australia from your part of the worldhttps://radiofm88.com.au