
    Jan 25 2022
    is a special presentation delivered to honour CHOF BAIS SHEVAT, the Yahrzeit-Hilula of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson, Soulmate of the internationally revered Lubavitcher Rebbe of Righteous Memory. Backgrounder: In 1992, in the days following Yartzeit-Hilula of the Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe and leading up to the Rebbetzin’s fourth Yartzeit-Hilula, the Rebbe delivered a series of ground-breaking addresses on Female empowerment in the Torah Perspective. Rather than the typical modern-day accommodations and adjustments, they comprised an unapologetic presentation of eternal Yiddishkeit values. To summarize (at the risk of gross oversimplification) this is the Timeless Torah-True Take on Female Empowerment. The ideas are ground-breaking. Shattering glass ceilings with concepts that are at once copiously sourced, yet entirely novel. Its an insightful, and uplifting presentation that provide us a powerful and inspirational Torah viewpoint on Jewish Femininity and our Modern Era. Ultimately our Mesorah and Torah traditions are Eternal, if your seeing anything new it's because we’re simply going Back to the Future. Sounds intriguing, watch, listen, and see for yourself! Rabbi Mendel Kaplan
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    1 h et 35 min
    Jan 18 2022

    We the Jewish People have been observing a Rosh Hashana for Trees – in the middle of the winter -- since arriving in the Israel more than 32 centuries ago and beginning to work the land. So, to be sure, Tu B'Shvat is clearly an ancient Torah tradition that's as old as Eretz Yisrael itself. Yet as Israel is better known today for High Tech Start-ups than Agriculture should it still occupy that much space on our National Hard Drive? To explain why we persist in marking this date, many invoke a Talmudic teaching on a verse in Deuteronomy (20;19) protecting trees from destruction in warfare. Our Sages saw it as (in effect) likening a human being to a tree. However, instead of clarifying our seemingly inexplicable obsession with this minor anniversary, it only serves to exacerbate the question: Why indeed would the Torah Compare People to Trees?! This deeply insightful, and emotionally evocative presentation will offer a lucid overview of what this holiday is (and isn't) about, as it answers the questions and provides powerful lessons about life, and life-long learning. Here you will discover invaluable information on Tu B'shvat, as well as an effective strategy to identify truly ethical and inspirational spiritual leadership and guidance -- perhaps more relevant than ever in our confusing day and age! Rabbi Mendel Kaplan

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    1 h et 48 min
  • THE YUD SHEVAT ADDRESS - Why It Had To Be A Ma'amer
    Jan 13 2022
    THE YUD SHEVAT ADDRESS: Why it had to be a Ma'amer. The ONLY Change we Can Believe In! The Central Yud Shevat Farbrengen 5782 Rabbi Mendel Kaplan
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    44 min
  • Rosh Chodesh Nissan
    Mar 14 2021
    Rosh Chodesh Nissan. -’ . , . Rabbi Mendel Kaplan
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    22 min
  • Attitude of Gratitude and Joy!
    Feb 7 2021
    Pre-Shabbat Mivarchim Parshat Yitro - Mivarchim Chodesh Adar Sermon. !
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    40 min
  • The New Year for Trees in the Age of Corona
    Jan 29 2021
    An Inspirational Presentation: “The New Year for Trees in the Age of Corona”
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    53 min
  • Reviewing Pixar’s SOUL
    Jan 12 2021

    Presented in direct response to Disney's misguided depictions! A Deep Look at the Soul’s Personality and Purpose: Is there a cosmic foyer leading towards a white light e.g. a "Great Afterwards." How about "Great Before" with rules and procedures in which Souls have to discover a ‘spark’ to a happy and productive life down on earth and are there Souls really who can’t find their purpose?!

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    1 h et 34 min
  • Whats Ahead In The New Year Part II Of The Wondrous Discovery Of A 30 Year Old Prescient Note!
    Sep 17 2020
    What’s Ahead in the New Year —Part II of the Wondrous Discovery of a 30 year old Prescient Note! Part Two illuminates the many details of this previously cryptic footnote that suddenly resonates with unprecedented optimism —unmasking the wonders in the sacred vision of the Rebbe!
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    1 h et 20 min