In this chilling episode of Almost Fiction, we uncover the twisted story of Joachim Georg Kroll, infamously known as "The Cannibal of Ruhr."
For over two decades, Kroll preyed on unsuspecting victims across West Germany, leaving a trail of horror and confusion.
We delve into the dark psychology behind his crimes, from his unsettling methods of victim selection to his shocking motive for cannibalism, a reason as cold and practical as it is horrifying.
Join us as we unravel how police were misled by false accusations, leading to wrongful arrests and even suicides.
What made Kroll evade justice for so long, and how did his crimes finally come to light? This is one story where the truth is more haunting than fiction.
Worlds Most Evil Serial Killers: Joachim Kroll. Season 1 Episode 16. Pluto.Tv.
How Cannibal Serial Killer Joachim Kroll Got Caught After Clogging His Toilet With Guts. By John Kuroski for All That’s Published July 16, 2020. Updated May 30, 2024.
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