Welcome to Into The Wild's new mini series, Journey Back to Namibia. Across 4 episodes, Ryan & Nadia will explore the impacts of the climate crisis in rural Namibia & share words, experiences & stories from those most affected. We start at the beginning.
Fires, floods, storms & hurricanes. Severe weather patterns & events, brought on or exacerbated by the climate crisis often make headline news, but there is one that is missed. It's subtle but intense. It impacts people hugely, but slower. Droughts.
In episode 1, as the title suggests, Ryan & Nadia guide you through Namibia & give context to this incredible country to help set the scene for the journey.
Guest appearances: Maxi Louis (Director of NACSO - Namibian Association for Community Based Natural Resource Management Support Organisations)
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To follow the hosts of the show, Ryan & Nadia, follow them at @mrryanjdalton & @buteblackbird
This episode has been funded by the UK International Development from the UK Government, however, the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the UK Government’s official policies.