
  • Term 2A - Week 10 - Day 05 - Family in Spanish
    Jul 12 2024

    ¡Hola amigos! This week in Jump Into Spanish (Term 2A - Week 10) we are learning words for family members in Spanish. Remember it really helps your brain to learn the words if you have a picture to look at or an action to do that goes with the word. And be sure to practice saying the words OUT LOUD! (:

    Today's words are:

    primo | (PREE-moh) | boy cousin
    prima | (PREE-mah) | girl cousin
    primos | (PREE-mohs) | cousins
    primas | (PREE-mahs) | girl cousins
    sobrino | (soh-BREE-noh) | nephew
    sobrina | (soh-BREE-nah) | niece

    Subscribe to this podcast to be notified when tomorrow's new words drop!

    Enjoying this free podcast? You can show your support for the work I do by shopping with a purpose through my Barefoot Books Community Bookseller link. I have been a Community Bookseller since 2016 and I love promoting the diverse (Spanish-language books included) literature they have to offer for our young global citizens. Thank you for your support!

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    3 min
  • Term 2A - Week 10 - Day 04 - Family in Spanish
    Jul 11 2024

    ¡Hola amigos! This week in Jump Into Spanish (Term 2A - Week 10) we are learning words for family members in Spanish. Remember it really helps your brain to learn the words if you have a picture to look at or an action to do that goes with the word. And be sure to practice saying the words OUT LOUD! (:

    Today's words are:

    tío | (TEE-oh) | uncle
    tía | (TEE-ah) | aunt
    abuelo | (ah-BWAY-loh) | grandfather
    abuela | (ah-BWAY-lah) | grandmother
    abuelito | (ah-bway-LEE-toh) | grandpa
    abuelita | (ah-bway-LEE-tah) | grandma

    Subscribe to this podcast to be notified when tomorrow's new words drop!

    Enjoying this free podcast? You can show your support for the work I do by shopping with a purpose through my Barefoot Books Community Bookseller link. I have been a Community Bookseller since 2016 and I love promoting the diverse (Spanish-language books included) literature they have to offer for our young global citizens. Thank you for your support!

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    3 min
  • Term 2A - Week 10 - Day 03 - Family in Spanish
    Jul 10 2024

    ¡Hola amigos! This week in Jump Into Spanish (Term 2A - Week 10) we are learning words for family members in Spanish. Remember it really helps your brain to learn the words if you have a picture to look at or an action to do that goes with the word. And be sure to practice saying the words OUT LOUD! (:

    Today's words are:

    hermano | (ehr-MAH-noh) | brother
    hermana | (ehr-MAH-nah) | sister
    hermanito | (ehr-mah-NEE-toh) | little brother
    hermanita | (ehr-mah-NEE-tah) | little sister
    hermanastro | (ehr-mah-NAH-stroh) | step-brother
    hermanastra | (ehr-mah-NAH-strah) | step-sister
    medio hermano | (MAY-dee-oh ehr-MAH-noh) | half-brother
    media hermana | (MAY-dee-ah ehr-MAH-nah) | half-sister

    Subscribe to this podcast to be notified when tomorrow's new words drop!

    Enjoying this free podcast? You can show your support for the work I do by shopping with a purpose through my Barefoot Books Community Bookseller link. I have been a Community Bookseller since 2016 and I love promoting the diverse (Spanish-language books included) literature they have to offer for our young global citizens. Thank you for your support!

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    1 min
  • Term 2A - Week 10 - Day 02 - Family in Spanish
    Jul 9 2024

    ¡Hola amigos! This week in Jump Into Spanish (Term 2A - Week 10) we are learning words for family members in Spanish. Remember it really helps your brain to learn the words if you have a picture to look at or an action to do that goes with the word. And be sure to practice saying the words OUT LOUD! (:

    Today's words are:

    padre | (PAH-dray) | father
    madre | (MAH-dray) | mother
    papá | (pah-PAH) | dad
    mamá | (mah-MAH) | mom
    papi | (PAH-pee) | daddy
    mami | (MAH-mee) | mommy

    Subscribe to this podcast to be notified when tomorrow's new words drop!

    Enjoying this free podcast? You can show your support for the work I do by shopping with a purpose through my Barefoot Books Community Bookseller link. I have been a Community Bookseller since 2016 and I love promoting the diverse (Spanish-language books included) literature they have to offer for our young global citizens. Thank you for your support!

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    1 min
  • Term 2A - Week 10 - Day 01 - Family in Spanish
    Jul 8 2024

    ¡Hola amigos! This week in Jump Into Spanish (Term 2A - Week 10) we are learning words for family members in Spanish. Remember it really helps your brain to learn the words if you have a picture to look at or an action to do that goes with the word. And be sure to practice saying the words OUT LOUD! (:

    Today's words are:

    niño | (NEEN-yoh) | boy
    niña | (NEEN-yah) | girl
    hija | (EE-hah) | daughter
    hijo | (EE-hah) | son
    mijo | (MEE-hoh) | my son
    mija | (MEE-hah) | my daughter

    Subscribe to this podcast to be notified when tomorrow's new words drop!

    Enjoying this free podcast? You can show your support for the work I do by shopping with a purpose through my Barefoot Books Community Bookseller link. I have been a Community Bookseller since 2016 and I love promoting the diverse (Spanish-language books included) literature they have to offer for our young global citizens. Thank you for your support!

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    4 min
  • Term 2A - Week 09 - Day 05 - Clothing in Spanish!
    Jul 5 2024

    This week in Jump Into Spanish (Term 2A, Week 9) we are learning words for clothing in Spanish!

    Today's words are:

    vestido | (beh-STEE-doh) | dress
    vaqueros | (bah-KEH-rohs) | jeans
    medias | (MAY-dee-ahs) | tights
    mallas, leggings, calzas | (MAH-yahs)(leggings)(KAHL-sahs) | leggings
    calcetines | (kahl-say-TEE-nays) | socks
    zapatos | (sah-PAH-tohs) | shoes
    sandalias | (sahn-DAH-lee-ahs) | sandals
    chanclas, chancletas, hawaiianas | (CHAHN-klahs)(chahn-KLAY-tahs)(ah-why-ee-AH-nahs) | flip-flops

    Check out this Spanish flashcards set that will help you learn common Spanish phrases: https://amzn.to/451Qra5

    Amazon Affiliate Disclaimer

    As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This podcast episode contains affiliate links to Amazon, which means I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase at no additional cost to you.

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    2 min
  • Term 2A - Week 09 - Day 04 - Clothing in Spanish!
    Jul 4 2024

    This week in Jump Into Spanish (Term 2A, Week 9) we are learning words for clothing in Spanish!

    Today's words are:

    anillo | (ah-NEE-yoh) | ring
    cinturón | (seen-too-ROHN) | belt
    ropa interior, braga, calzón | (ROH-pah een-teh-ree-OHR)(BRAH-gah)(kahl-SOHN) | underwear
    camiseta interior | (kah-mee-SAY-tah een-teh-ree-OHR) | undershirt
    pantalón | (pahn-tah-LOHN) | pants
    pantalones cortos | (pahn-tah-LOH-nays KOHR-tohs) | shorts
    falda | (FAHL-dah) | skirt

    Check out this Spanish flashcards set that will help you learn common Spanish phrases: https://amzn.to/451Qra5

    Amazon Affiliate Disclaimer

    As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This podcast episode contains affiliate links to Amazon, which means I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase at no additional cost to you.

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    1 min
  • Term 2A - Week 09 - Day 03 - Clothing in Spanish!
    Jul 3 2024

    This week in Jump Into Spanish (Term 2A, Week 9) we are learning words for clothing in Spanish!

    Today's words are:

    gafas del sol | (GAH-fahs dehl sohl) | sunglasses
    lentes | (LEHN-tays) | glasses
    aretes, pendientes | (ah-RAY-tays)(pehn-dee-EHN-tays) | earrings
    collar | (koh-YAHR) | necklace
    pulsera | (pool-SEH-rah) | bracelet

    Check out this Spanish flashcards set that will help you learn common Spanish phrases: https://amzn.to/451Qra5

    Amazon Affiliate Disclaimer

    As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This podcast episode contains affiliate links to Amazon, which means I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase at no additional cost to you.

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    2 min