Meghan Murphy speaks with lawyer James Manson about a legal challenge to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's proroguing of Parliament. Last week, Trudeau fooled the public into thinking he resigned—instead he gave himself unchecked power by suspending all Parliamentary business until March 24, 2025. Not everyone is taking this interruption of the democratic process sitting down—the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms has provided lawyers to two Canadian citizens, David MacKinnon and Aris Lavranos, who are seeking a Federal Court declaration that Prime Minister Trudeau’s prorogation of Parliament is unreasonable and must be set aside. This conversation took place on Wednesday, January 8, 2025. The Same Drugs is a fully independent, listener-supported, non-Russia-funded podcast. Please consider supporting us with a donation, becoming a patron, or becoming a paid subscriber on Substack. You can watch select clips and episodes of The Same Drugs on YouTube. Full videos are available on Substack, Patreon, and to YouTube channel members. You can support The Same Drugs on Spotify by clicking the "support" button or you can donate directly via Stripe. The Same Drugs is on X @thesamedrugs_. Meghan Murphy is on X @meghanemurphy and on Instagram @...