Look a bit closer and there you'll find it. You might be surprised what you'll discover if you know what you are looking for.
You might be wondering what I'm talking about. Right?
It's simply those nagging feelings that you have from time to time because of what other people do or say and then not sure what to do about them.
Fear. Anger. Frustration. Anxiety. Not to mention Stress.
These are just some of the emotions that are lurking in the shadows and need to be revealed.
In this episode, our guest - Adele Spraggon - helps us understand what to do with some of these emotions and how to discover them. Gaining insights will drastically determine the legacy you will be able to pass on.
Adele is an award-winning author, as well as an international speaker and trainer.
As a behavioral change expert, she explores topics that illustrate the potential of the human brain and its ability to make optimal choices that reduce conflict and achieve goals in all areas of life.
“It’s all in your head,” she says, and that’s a good thing because with the right brain pattern most any problem can be overcome.
Drawing on the most recent findings in brain research along with inspiring stories of breakthroughs and triumphs from her coaching clients, Adele demonstrates that almost any obstacle can be overcome with the right operating instructions.
Adele is the award-winning author of the book Shift: 4 Steps to Personal Empowerment.
Connect with Adele:
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And remember, you are ONE SKILL AWAY from your best hope.