
  • Tax Extenders: Glass Half Full or Half Empty
    Jan 22 2024
    How seriously should we take this latest effort to restore the deductibility of R and E costs, interest, and capital expenditures?
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    20 min
  • The Year that Wasn't: 2023 in Review
    Dec 21 2023
    Congress has gone for the year and so has hope for any tax legislation in 2023. How did we get to this point and is there any hope for 2024? Listen as John Gimigliano, Jennifer Acuna, and Tom Stout perform a post-mortem on the year that was and look forward to the year that will soon be.
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    22 min
  • Back at It: Congress Returns to Washington
    Sep 8 2023
    What's on the fall agenda for Congress after the August recess? Do taxes fit in?
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    22 min
  • P2 and Congress: It's Complicated
    Jun 30 2023
    Discussing legislative negotiations in Washington and how the divided Congress could come to terms with Pillar Two
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    28 min
  • Is It Happening?: House Action on Extenders
    Jun 23 2023
    Discussing the House Ways and Means extenders bill-will expired business items, including R and E expensing, interest deductibility, and bonus depreciation, be extended?
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    22 min
  • Green Book '24: Tax Policy in a Divided Washington
    Mar 22 2023
    Discussing the Biden Administration tax policy priorities in its FY24 Green Book and why these tax proposals warrant review
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    22 min
  • Farewell Carol: Reflections on Tax Legislation
    Jan 27 2023
    Taking a career-span look at how the tax legislative process has changed
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    26 min
  • No Joy in Extendersville: Taxes Strike Out
    Dec 23 2022
    Debating possible reasons Congress could not make a year-end deal on tax extenders
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    26 min