
  • Episode 05 Trouble at Twin Bells
    Oct 22 2023
    There's trouble at the new Stuffed Animal Shop in town. Is the owner running the worst scam in history, or is something else going on here? Join us for a strange episode of Cardcaptors this week on Keepers of the Clow! Today, we cover the fifth episode of Cardcaptors - the English adaptation of Card Captor Sakura created by Nelvana in the early 2000's - titled Trouble at Twin Bells.

    Podcast Feed listeners will enjoy a feed exclusive segment at the end of each episode known as Chris's Corner - featuring Moon Star: A Sailor Moon Podcast co-host and celebrity interviewer Chris Mayek!

    Episode Information
    Nelvana Title: Trouble at Twin Bells
    Original Title: Sakura, Panda, and a Cute Shop
    United States Airdate: UNAIRED
    Canadian Airdate: March 25th, 2001
    Original Airdate: May 5th, 1998

    KotC On YouTube


    KotC Is Presented by the Vintage Anime Video Network

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    1 h et 17 min
  • Episode 04 - An Unexpected Find
    Oct 11 2023
    Can you clean like Sakura? Join us for a unique episode of Cardcaptors this week on Keepers of the Clow! Today, we cover the fourth episode of Cardcaptors - the English adaptation of Card Captor Sakura created by Nelvana in the early 2000's - titled An Unexpected Find.

    Podcast Feed listeners will enjoy a feed exclusive segment at the end of each episode known as Chris's Corner - featuring Moon Star: A Sailor Moon Podcast co-host and celebrity interviewer Chris Mayek!

    Episode Information
    Nelvana Title: An Unexpected Find
    Original Title: Sakura's Tiring Sunday
    United States Airdate: UNAIRED
    Canadian Airdate: March 18th, 2001
    Original Airdate: April 28th, 1998

    KotC On YouTube


    KotC Is Presented by the Vintage Anime Video Network

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 28 min
  • Episode 03 - Allies
    Sep 24 2023
    Get drenched with us this week on Keepers of the Clow! Today, we cover the third episode of Cardcaptors - the English adaptation of Card Captor Sakura created by Nelvana in the early 2000's - titled Allies.

    Podcast Feed listeners will enjoy a feed exclusive segment at the end of each episode known as Chris's Corner - featuring Moon Star: A Sailor Moon Podcast co-host and celebrity interviewer Chris Mayek!

    Episode Information
    Nelvana Title: Allies
    Original Title: Sakura's Heart-Racing First Date
    United States Airdate: November 18th, 2000
    Canadian Airdate: January 14th, 2001
    Original Airdate: April 21st, 1998

    KotC On YouTube


    KotC Is Presented by the Vintage Anime Video Network

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 20 min
  • Episode 02 - Partners in Crime
    Sep 13 2023
    Things get shady this week on Keepers of the Clow! Today, we cover the second episode of Cardcaptors - the English adaptation of Card Captor Sakura created by Nelvana in the early 2000's - titled Partners in Crime.

    Podcast Feed listeners will enjoy a feed exclusive segment at the end of each episode known as Chris's Corner - featuring Moon Star: A Sailor Moon Podcast co-host and celebrity interviewer Chris Mayek!

    Episode Information
    Nelvana Title: Partners in Crime
    Original Title: Sakura's Wonderful Friend
    United States Airdate: June 23rd, 2001
    Canadian Airdate: March 11th, 2001
    Original Airdate: April 14th, 1998

    KotC On YouTube


    Presented by Vintage Anime Video Network

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 27 min
  • Episode 01 - One Fateful Day
    Aug 27 2023
    Meet hosts Alex Summers and Matt Emblidge on the premiere episode of Keepers of the Clow! This week, we cover the first episode of Cardcaptors - the English adaptation of Card Captor Sakura created by Nelvana in the early 2000's - titled One Fateful Day.

    Podcast Feed listeners will enjoy a feed exclusive segment at the end of each episode known as Chris's Corner - featuring Moon Star: A Sailor Moon Podcast co-host Chris Mayek!

    Episode Information
    Episode 01 (Original Order)
    Nelvana Title: One Fateful Day
    Original Title: Sakura and the Mysterious Magic Book
    United States Airdate: June 23rd, 2001
    Canadian Airdate: March 7th, 2001
    Original Airdate: April 7th, 1998

    KotC On YouTube


    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 48 min
  • Episode 00 - Introduction & The Cardcaptors Jukebox
    Aug 27 2023
    Episode 00 Is Podcast Feed Exclusive

    Alex introduces KotC to the Vintage Anime Video Network audience. Plus, we have our first edition of the Cardcaptors Jukebox featuring the original Cardcaptors Intro Theme and the Instrumental Credits Theme. Enjoy!


    Keepers of the Clow is a podcast dedicated to discussing and exploring Cardcaptors, the english dub of Cardcaptor Sakura, originally produced by Nelvana. We discuss the original episode orders, the changes from the original anime, and themes and elements that were cut out to make the show "more appealing" for a wider audience. The ultimate goal? To find out once and for all if they succeeded in making a product that works on its own merits. ​

    Hosted by vintage anime enthusiasts Alex Summers and Matt Emblidge, consider us your companion podcast to your journey through the confusing but magical world that is the Nelvana dub of Cardcaptors. We hope to bring you on a nostalgic ride filled with deep dives, humor, and an everlasting love for all that is Cardcaptors and Card Captor Sakura. ​

    Episodes are released bi-weekly at this time. Follow the official Keepers of the Clow Facebook Page.
    Voir plus Voir moins
    5 min