Keeping It Real Pretty Podcast Episode 15: Freestyle Fridays! I’m back yall! Hey y’all! I missed y’all! This episode was recorded on August 5, 2022 while I was planning my daughter’s birthday and getting acclimated to my new job. Of course I’m freaking out about the monkey pox and giving my unfiltered opinion about discrimination at children’s amusement parks, Instagram’s most dysfunctional couple (Rock and Blueface), and telling you why you need to wash your hands and mind your business! Join me on my comeback episode! #keepingitrealpretty #keepingitrealprettypodcast #keepingitrealsexypodcast #keepingitrealsexy #podcast #ApplePodcasts #GooglePodcasts #Spotify #SpotifyPodcasts #podcastsforwomen #podcastsforblackwomen #podcastsfortheculture #podcastsformen #podcastsforblackmen #blackpodcast #blackpodcasters #dopeblackpod #socialmedia #blackpods #dating #blacklove #blackmen #blackwomen #parenting #parents #parentlife #momlife #relationships #dating #singlemoms #singledads #singleparents #monisbeautychronicles