
  • Enjoying Singleness Part 2
    Mar 3 2025

    How To Enjoy Singleness

    Part 2

    3. Redeem your time

      • Don’t be a couch potato
      • Don’t be glued to instagram and all the negative emotions that can result
      • Stay fit
      • Eat well
      • Have devotions

    4. Build a life

      • Get a good job
        • A good job is one you love
        • One to which you are committed
        • One where you can use your gifts and talents
      • Make a living
      • Buy a house
      • Take care of your stuff
        • Keep a clean house
        • Keep a nice yard
        • Keep a clean car
      • Have hobbies
        • Choose ones that involve learning skills
        • Choose ones that involve being with people

    5. Be open to dating

      • Keep it light
      • Remember the two keys to any relationship:
        • Time
        • Talking
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    30 min
  • Enjoying Singleness Part 1
    Feb 24 2025

    Join Dave and Bethlie as they provide practicle steps that you can use to enjoy singleness.

    1. Stay Sweet
    2. Serve
    • Throw a party
    • Invest in others
    • Serve family
    • Serve in church

    3. Redeem Your Time

    Voir plus Voir moins
    28 min
  • Keeping The Bedroom Alive and Fresh Part 2
    Feb 17 2025

    3. Try to meet each other’s needs

      1. Intimacy = closeness, love, gentle care
      2. A spouse is called by God to meet the other’s needs
        1. I Corinthians 7:1-5
          1. The husband has sexual needs that can only be met by the wife
          2. The wife has sexual needs that can only be met by the husband
          3. We are to fulfill those needs
          4. We are not to allow Satan to tempt us to fulfill those needs elsewhere
          5. We are only to refrain with mutual agreement for a short time
      3. Failure here always has negative results:
        1. Damages intimacy
        2. Opens doors for the enemy
        3. Damages the relationship
        4. Sins against God

    4. Trust God about children (take steps to delay pregancy)

      1. It is wonderful to have children
      2. It is right to want children
      3. It is ok just to have children
      4. It is ok to wisely plan them

    5. Take time to flirt and flourish

      1. Use Words
      2. Write Notes
      3. Send Texts
      4. Buy and Wear Lingerie
      5. Use Massage oil

    6. Be practical

      1. Use Lubrication
      2. Make love when you can
      3. Go to bed earlier

    7. Treat challenges medically where it is needed

      1. ED - erectile dysfunction
      2. Intimacy anorexia
      3. Pain
      4. Etc.
    Voir plus Voir moins
    31 min
  • Keeping The Bedroom Alive and Fresh Part 1
    Feb 10 2025

    In this episode of Keeping It Young, Dave and Bethlie dive into the important topic of keeping the bedroom alive and fresh in marriage. They discuss how seasons of life impact intimacy, the importance of thinking about each other in 'that way,' and how open communication can strengthen a couple’s connection.

    How do you keep the bedroom alive and fresh?

    1. Think about each other in “that way”

      1. “Seasons” affect us differently
        1. Young parents with small children
        2. Teens
        3. Pregnancy
      2. Start with positive thoughts
      3. Be aware that it is normal for each of us to think about the bedroom differently

    2. Talk to each other about needs, desires, and wants

      1. How often
      2. In what way
        1. Shower together?
        2. Fast?
        3. Gourmet?
      3. When
        1. This can vary by job demands
        2. This can vary by schedule
        3. This can vary by the age of your children
      4. What do you need? What do you want?
      5. What do WE need?
      6. What can we do to meet each other’s needs
    Voir plus Voir moins
    27 min
  • Proven Ways To Keep Marriage Alive and Fresh Part 2
    Feb 3 2025

    3. Discern

      1. Your spouse’s needs or desires
        1. Insecurity may mean your spouse has a need you can meet
        2. Sexually your spouse may need more (or less)
          1. The issue here is whether or not you are focused on your need or your spouse’s need
            1. Each of us should be willing to give of ourselves for the sexual needs of our spouse
        3. Just practically
          1. Maybe he has a hobby that you can attempt to enjoy
          2. Maybe she like Hallmark and you can attempt to watch
          3. Maybe your spouse needs more encouragement, or time, or some such . . .
      2. Little foxes that spoil the vine
        1. Hurts
        2. Conflicts
        3. Busyness
      3. How to handle conflicts
        1. What can you do to overcome conflicts
        2. What are you doing wrong in overcoming conflicts
        3. Staying in a cycle that isn’t working is silly
          1. Get counsel
          2. Read some books
          3. Talk and listen
      4. How to handle each season of life

    4. Diminish the negatives

        • Focus on 10% of negatives and you cannot see the 90% positives

    5. Different (do something different)

          1. Shake things up occassionally
          2. Eat at a different restaurant
          3. Take a “talked about” trip
          4. Splurge

    6. Delight in one another

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    28 min
  • Proven Ways To Keep Marriage Alive and Fresh Part 1
    Jan 27 2025

    How do you keep a marriage alive and fresh?

    1. Decide - that it is what you want.
      1. It is never automatic
      2. It is always attainable
      3. It is always worth it . . .
        1. Divorce is never an easy option
          1. Even when it is necessary
          2. Even when you can’t stop it
        2. Do everything in your power to keep your marriage healthy
    2. Develop
      1. a best friend relationship
      2. Good habits
        1. Pray together
        2. Talk through issues
        3. Keep talking through issues
      3. Trust
    3. Discern
      1. Your spouse’s needs or desires
    Voir plus Voir moins
    29 min
  • 6 Ways To Teach Your Children The Bible Part 3
    Jan 21 2025

    Apply the Bible via wisdom sayings

      1. You will reap what you sow
      2. A little bit of sin makes a whole lot of mess
      3. The best time to take care of sin is when it is very small
      4. Birds of a feather flock together
      5. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink
      6. He who dies with the dirtiest towel wins
      7. Only one life will soon be past, only whats done for Christ will last
      8. You should always be honest . . .

    Consider Christian education

      1. If Christian education is used as a tool to strengthen God’s Word in the hearts of your children, it is a good thing
        • For you that send your kids to a public school, you have to work harder to protect their heart
      2. Beware of sending your kids to a Christian school and then undermining their foundation by sending them to a secular university that is an expert in attacking, weakening, and altering their upbringing

    We want to hear from you:

    Do you have any specific ways you are teaching your children the Bible?

    Do you have any wisdom sayings that we can share with our audience?

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    30 min
  • 6 Ways To Teach Your Children The Bible Part 2
    Jan 13 2025

    In this episode you’ll learn how to nurture a deep, lasting connection with the Bible in your children. Dave and Bethlie explore practical methods to integrate God’s Word into your family’s daily life. Whether through storytelling, reading together, or creating memory verses, this episode is packed with strategies to help your children grow spiritually.

      1. Read the Bible Aloud: Start by reading Bible stories together to create a foundation for understanding God’s Word.
      2. Model and Mentor: Show your children the importance of personal Bible reading through your own example.
      3. Memorization Matters: Engage in family memorization of scriptures during meals, car rides, and bedtime.
      4. Involve the Church: Choose a church that prioritizes biblical preaching and teaching to reinforce what you teach at home.
      5. Celebrate Milestones: Reward spiritual growth, like finishing reading the Bible, to encourage a lifelong love of scripture.
      6. Use Everyday Moments: Apply scripture to daily life and specific situations to make it relatable and memorable.

    Connect with Us:

    Instagram: @keepingityoungpodcast

    Facebook: Keeping It Young

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    29 min