We’re back with another great interview. Today I chat with Drew Crook who I met when we were both getting our latest Seeing Eye Dogs at The Seeing Eye in Morristown, NJ. Drew was my across the hall roommate and we found ourselves chatting technology, guitar, and everything in-between. Today we nerd out on some tech and what Drew views as the future of tech and what he’s most looking forward to when it comes to artificial intelligence and how it’s going to help the blind and visually impaired community. After the interview, stick around for a few minutes as some of our AI friends from High performance Paratriathlon pop in. Cal even reads a short snippet from my latest race report. And for those of you who want to receive futur race reports, please subscribe to the #Eyeronvision Newsletter here https://kylecoon.us14.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=cee484994bc00efffbf5b0ed3&id=d18c1bc0fd