
  • Next Chapter: Let's Bring Some Light, Faith, And Victory Into The Earth
    Sep 13 2024

    After not podcasting for basically a year. I am stepping back in to BRING THE MESSAGE OF FAITH, KINGDOM, VICTORY, and of JESUS into the media.

    Many are experts at explaining what the "Globalists" or the devils plans are..

    However what is God's plan?? WE MUST KNOW AND UNDERSTAND..

    Today's episode we dive into what I have been up to, but more importantly WHAT I BELIEVE GOD IS SAYING. I have much more to say but I will be broadcasting more now.

    You can watch it on video here: https://rumble.com/c/kingdombusinesslifestyle

    Or on X: https://x.com/CoryDGray888

    The podcast is on all platforms and found by searching "Kingdom Business Lifestyle by Cory Gray"

    Or the direct podcast download page for all the MP3 files is here: https://kingdombusinesslifestyle.libsyn.com

    Help me by sharing and following and responding to the podcast. And if you want to support yourself while supporting what I am doing, get your Off Grid Computer And Communications Kit at https://theoffgridcomputer.com

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    1 h et 8 min
  • #282 - Communications Solutions For A Grid Down Scenario
    May 3 2024

    Today we will be covering a few topics:

    1) Current Events

    2) Off Grid Communications (Project Disconnect)


    3) Iran / Hezbollah and what Shia Islam teaches

    4) Understanding the threat and getting the solutions

    5) God will prevail

    6) Take dominion over your communications ANSWER I have for you

    Email me @ kingdombiz@protonmail.com

    Get on my email list @ https://kingdombusinesslifestyle.com

    Get my book on audio at https://bornagainaskings.com

    Or order on Amazon "Born Again As Kings" by Cory Gray

    Share this episode with your family. Ask them what their plan is if communications go out. It wiould be wise to have a solution in place to be able to reach family, and know what is going on in the country. Hit me up after listening to this and hear my solutin for you at my email.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    46 min
  • #281 - NOW IS TIME FOR Kingdom Advancement In America
    Dec 15 2023

    Today we will talk about the actual agenda for planet earth. Not the plan by man but by God!

    Follow my video channel here: https://rumble.com/c/kingdombusinesslifestyle

    X: CoryDGray888

    Connect more, get on my email list, check out my book and more @ https://kingdombusinesslifestyle.com

    Read my book "Born Again As Kings" on Amazon, or hear and download a copy of the audio version here: https://bornagainaskings.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    42 min
  • #280 - Warning: Iran Wants To Hijack And Hold Hostage The USA!!
    Oct 19 2023

    Watch the video version of this podcast here:


    Watch the dream here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J09fuyDdBoQ

    Follow Ben here (go back to October 9th to see the video clips and share with friends - proof Islamic states intering the border, caught on video) https://twitter.com/BenBergquam

    Get on my email list at: https://kingdobusinesslifestyle.com

    Get my book audio: https://bornagainaskings.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 7 min
  • #279 - Let's Not Be In Spiritual Lala Land - Our Countries Are Under Attack
    Oct 10 2023

    Watch the video version here: https://rumble.com/v3o5wvz-30-lets-not-be-in-spiritual-lala-land-our-countries-are-under-attack.html

    There are many movements out there that preach salvation, grace, the cross, etc. However we must know how to bring these revelations into the present to transform the world.. We must know what is actually going on. Identify the problems and then fix them. Seeing clearly.

    Our borders are being invaded, as we speak. Many frontal attacks already happening. We must learn how to defend our countries, our communities, and our families the correct way. WE MUST SNAP OUT OF THE MIND CONTROL WITCHCRAFT THAT THE WORLD IS UNDER. IT IS A FORM OF JUDGMENT FOR DENYING REALITY.

    Our founding fathers had to war to obtain freedom from tyranny. Are we better than them? Especially when we let back in the exact same tyranny, possibly worse?

    Much of this is rooted in false end times teachings. This "end of the planet" or "rapture" teachings caused many believers to sit back while the devil crept in. While the church slept the communists (demons) crept.

    So what are we to do?

    Well, we need to face the facts and not deny them anymore. We must start working together in our communities to defend and protect what our founding fathers passed on to us.

    Tonight is going to be an important and powerful transition into learning Kingdom Communities!

    Connect more, get on my email list, check out my book and more @ https://kingdombusinesslifestyle.com

    Read my book "Born Again As Kings" on Amazon, or hear and download a copy of the audio version here: https://bornagainaskings.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    2 h et 33 min
  • #278 - A Potential -Lights Out Ground Battle With China Probable – I'll Say It!
    Oct 1 2023

    While everyone tippy toes with this topic and wants to stay in lala land I will go ahead and open up this discussion. Record border crossing numbers are being broken each day. Almost a quarter of a million the month of September. And many are Chinese military aged men.


    The Chinese have stated they hope to kill 2/3rds of Americans and make the other 1/3 their slaves..


    Too much for you? Go back to Netflix? Not a good idea. Here this episode. It’s better to build a boat before the flood rather than flailing around when the rain comes hoping to find something to hold on to.


    We must stop ignoring reality. China wants the USA land and Canada. Why they don’t know how to grow enough food for their people. Why? They don’t have room for all their people. Why? People like Larry Fink are betting on the collapse of the USA.


    Watch this first after or before my podcast (my episode covers on the ground solutions):

    Brannon Howse and Michael Yon interview from the border: https://rumble.com/v3lq2dv-michael-yon-on-biden-regime-paying-for-chinas-u.s.-invasion-camp-in-panama.html


    Find my video version of this at this channel: https://rumble.com/c/kingdombusinesslifestyle


    Epoch Times Chinese Military Units Crossing The Border:



    Find my audio podcast here: https://kingdombusinesslifestyle.com


    Musk at the border: https://twitter.com/i/status/1707565081750290910


    Former Homeland Security tactical team leader Doug Thornton warns about America's approaching CIVIL WAR https://www.brighteon.com/34e646fb-2a05-45bb-98e8-1cab146f1860


    Michael Yon on twitter: https://twitter.com/Michael_Yon


    Trains of illegals: https://twitter.com/i/status/1704854383178207633


    Trains: https://twitter.com/i/status/1706124417716125893


    Get on my email list at https://kingdombusinesslifestyle.com


    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 25 min
  • #277 - Why I Think "Scott McKay - Patriot Streetfighter" Is A FEDERAL AGENT!
    Sep 5 2023
    WATCH and SHARE the video version: https://rumble.com/v3f4sci-why-i-think-scott-mckay-patriot-streetfighter-is-a-federal-agent.html   In my past as 14 year drug dealer we constantly had Feds try and infiltrate our groups. And sometimes they actually did. Actually one of my "best friends" I later found out was a fed. He is now in the hospital paralyzed neck down unfortunately. Today I am going to share some things that all who have heard this "Patriot Streetfighter" "Scott Mckay" will hear understand and consider. In my past before Jesus we constantly had to test those around us. And we became very proficient in detecting Feds through many different methods. Now I am not accusing Scott here. I am stating my opinion. And I would like to challenge him to a live talk with me to prove he is not a Fed. If he cannot do this he will probably call me names and say things like this is not worth his time. Yes it is worth your time and ours if you have been trying to set up good people. This will not be a hit piece but rather a discussion. He needs to prove to America he is not a Fed by discussing this with me. I challenge you to this Scott. Copy and paste link: https://rumble.com/v3f4sci-why-i-think-scott-mckay-patriot-streetfighter-is-a-federal-agent.html Channel direct link: https://rumble.com/c/kingdombusinesslifestyle Also the reason I am sharing this is I believe personally that he and others are positioning for a huge staged event to take down true good hearted patriots. Sad things people can do to clear their records. I have seen it first hand. Hopefully Scott Mckay you can reason with me and address these concerns. What he has planned is also a bad idea. Whether he is a Fed or not the Feds can totally use him. And by the way Jesus said "out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks." He says "sh*&" in almost every other thought he says. Shows me what he is full of and Christians need to not follow people like this. Would Paul promote following someone like this? "Join together in following my example, brothers and sisters, and just as you have us as a model, keep your eyes on those who live as we do. For, as I have often told you before and now tell you again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on earthly things." Philippians 3:17-19 And by the way. I don't fear the feds. I learned they can't touch me because I serve God all the way not just in talk. I have the blessing of Abraham thanks to God and his son Jesus the Christ! "I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” Genesis 12:3 Channel #1 to follow: Kingdom Business Lifestyle https://rumble.com/c/kingdombusinesslifestyle Channel #2 to follow: Kingdom Round Table (live every Monday 7pm CST) https://rumble.com/c/KingdomRoundTable Channel #3 audio podcast: Found on most all podcast platforms as Kingdom Business Lifestyle. The direct page so you can actually download all the episodes is: https://kingdombusinesslifestyle.libsyn.com   Love you all. See you in the next episode. If you have any questions or want to talk reach me at kingdombiz@protonmail.com or reply to this email. And if you are in the group of people who skip to the bottom of emails and don't read them. Read this one. We need you fast thinkers! SHARE THIS AND YOU ALL DECIDE FOR YOURSELF. PEOPLE MUST REALIZE THE FEDS TRY AND HARNESS MOVEMENTS TO DERAIL THEM. THEY USE PRETTY ADVANCED COUNTER INTEL, AND YES ON THEIR OWN PEOPLE. AT LEAST CONSIDER WHAT I SHARE.  
    Voir plus Voir moins
    54 min
  • #276 - Killing Fungus And Bacteria (Covid 2.0 - A Fungus?)- Divine Health With Dr. Jason
    Aug 31 2023

    Watch this podcast video for video fact checking proof if you desire to share with others or watch. https://rumble.com/v3cr3em-25-walking-in-divine-kingdom-health-with-dr.-jason.html

    Special offer - get my book on audio at https://bornagainaskings.com

    Get my physical book at https://a.co/d/j9o07Ch “Born Again As Kings – the end of satan and the beginning of God’s Kings” available on Amazon

    Stay ahead of the game. Win the game. And let's manifest the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. Today you are going to hear some powerful things. Some predictions. And solutions that God already has available. Bless you all. Make sure to hear my book and pick up a copy, around 150 sciputures to make you know God's plan for the earth and his children. 

    Then connect to my list for updates here https://kingdombusinesslifestyle.com

    Download all the past podcasts audios here: https://kingdombusinesslifestyle.libsyn.com

    Join the family and learn some skills today to get off grid! https://theoffgridlifestyle.com

    Learn how to install your own solar systems with my personal hands on training https://solarprepped.com

    Learn one of the major keys to the success I have seen in my life – the power of IMAGINATION visit https://learntoimaginate.com

    And don't forget every Monday 7pm CST LIVE "The Kingdom Round Table" live Bible discussions at https://rumble.com/c/KingdomRoundTable

    Places to follow:Podcast: Search “Kingdom Business Lifestyle – Cory Gray”

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/mentallycaptivated

    Twitter: @CoryDGray888

    Voir plus Voir moins
    2 h et 22 min