
  • Self Care Boost anyone?
    Apr 20 2022

    I'm still here, just trying new things. 
    Today I started a 10-day Self Care Boost to help me think positive thoughts.

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    11 min
  • The Donut Shop Series: Dee Brazell of World's Best Donuts, Grand Marais, MN
    Dec 7 2021

    Dee's grandmother started World's Best Donuts in 1969. Dee began working there when she was a girl and took over the business with her sister in 2001.

    Today the small shop is a tourist destination sitting near the shore of Lake Superior.

    You can visit the local landmark May through October for donuts made from scratch every day.

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    31 min
  • In A Year update: Amazing Gratitude Insight
    Nov 30 2021

    On November 11th I started a weekday morning gratitude practice in the private Facebook group In A Year. Here is my first update.

    I experienced an incredible insight into gratitude, how it feels and how it brings you into the now, and in the now is where miracles happen. The morning after Thanksgiving I felt something I couldn't describe. I found the right word yesterday - contentment.

    Here are my observations about gratitude. If you are interested, please join me!

    Facebook group - In A Year

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    21 min
  • The Donut Shop Series: Leigh Kellis, founder of The Holy Donut, ME
    Nov 10 2021

    The Holy Donut is my favorite donut shop and I got to talk to founder Leigh Kellis! Yes, you can hear me totally fan girl in this short episode.

    You can find Leigh on Instagram @womenwhoneeddonuts. She has a book by the same name and new projects in the works!

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    19 min
  • UPDATE: New Interviews and In A Year project
    Nov 9 2021

    I'm interviewing donut shop owners and beginning a daily gratitude practice in a private Facebook group.

    Join me and let's see what incredible shifts we can create in our lives.

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    5 min
  • The Donut Shop Series: Bradley Taylor of The Donut Trap, MN
    Oct 31 2021

    Welcome to the first interview in my Donut Shop Series!

    In this episode I talk with Bradley Taylor of The Donut Trap in the Twin Cities, MN.

    In 2013 Bradley began making donuts for himself and friends. The enterprise quickly became a business. He shares the whole story with me as well as the story behind the name of his first shop, SssDude-Nutz.

    Of course I had to know his favorite donut shops, what's next for The Donut Trap, and the secret about his cake donuts. You can find Bradley and his donuts on Instagram and Facebook.

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    51 min
  • Powerful Change Happens When We Change Our Stories
    Oct 20 2021

    I shared a story in a previous podcast called From Contrast to Donuts where I said a powerful decision I made attracted the perfect job opportunity for me. Since then I realized it may have seemed that that decision was what attracted the job, but really it was the shift in the story I was telling myself.

    When we make a decision that we can feel in our bodies, and it feels like no one can possibly talk us out of it, we have actually changed the story we've been telling ourselves about that decision.

    What do you want to change in your life? And what is the story you are telling yourself about it now?

    In this episode I announce a new year-long project I'm planning. I am committing to a year-long morning practice of deep gratitude and intention. Join me to see how our lives can change in one year by practicing basic Law of Attraction principles.

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    17 min
  • Can You Ever Know You Are Where You Are Supposed To Be?
    Sep 24 2021

    Here is another piece of the Why-Kris-Isn't-a-Lawyer story. I was guided away from practicing law more than once. 

    Have you ever felt like you've been set up? Have you ever felt like no matter what you do, things just won't go your way? 

    I had an interview for an entry position with the San Diego Public Defender's office which was canceled because of a background check. They uncovered an absurd charge against me. I was set up. I was set up to be a mother, a stay-at-home-mom. My donut story showed me that and then I realized this was the first time. 

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    14 min