LISABETH THOMAS, a media and marketing "whiz kid", as well as the founding president of "Texas Women in Business", will join us to discuss the horrifying activity of child trafficking, and what she and her colleagues are doing to combat this evil practice.
"We cannot protect against what we are not aware of.
Did you know that between 2018 and 2022 the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) saw a 567% increase in reports relating to sexual enticement of a child?
Not on Our Watch Texas (NOWTX) is rallying all women in business to raise awareness of online abuse, exploitation, and sextortion to help protect children and youth. It will take all of us to educate our families, schools, churches, and other communities on how to defend our children from online predators.
Most parents think they can keep their children safe from predators who are “out there.” But most parents don’t realize these abusers are not “out there,” increasingly, they are inside our children’s bedrooms, via smartphones, computers, & gaming devices. The smartphone is the new white van."