I'm calling this the First Thing You Need To Do After You're Served...and I don't mean eat the mashed potatoes! In this episode I give you the blueprint for what you need to do after you are served divorce papers. I'm talking like from the second you are served until you have your day in court (warning: this isn't a comprehensive list, but it will get you started). I also walk you through a few crucial tips and action items you will want to know and do to stay on top of your game. And because I really want you to stay positive and focused during this time I'm even throwing in three of my trainings from my MASTER CLASS: How to Get More Out of Your Breakup than just Heartache—for free! This is a class I sell for $297. So grab them below and remember to Live Well! Links to Services mentioned in this post. Free Training Stress and Laughter - How to laugh more when you don't feel like it...One of the greatest stress relievers we have is laughter. Laughter is like taking medicine. It makes you feel better. It releases healing throughout your body. When we laugh it restores the pressures that life has taken out. Being Rejuvenated - Beyond Your Comfort Zone There Is No Mattress...It is not the destination, but rather the journey to becoming rejuvenated that transforms you. That is key, so remember that! As you gear up to go on this journey I’ll give you a three step recipe for changing your life. It’s easy, it’s actionable, and anyone can do it. Forgiveness - How to jump start the forgiveness process...You can’t get through a divorce without doing three simple things. And without doing these three things you won’t be very successful in your next relationship. Watch now to find out what these three things are. Bonus: Checklist download Resource for Positive Thoughts - These are great Youtube conversations for keeping perspective. Affiliate Links 2nd Saturdays