
  • 59. Compassion: A Snow Party for All Hairies
    Dec 23 2024

    Our virtue in this episode is: Compassion! Come meet the Hairies - a mythical creature you’ve probably never heard about. These tiny, fluffy creatures surf around the winds on snowflakes and enjoy throwing large snow parties. Melie, Lingo, and Garney are four such Hairies that are about to get caught in a whirlwind of adventure. Come join us for their exciting and snowy story!

    Questions in this episode:

    Question 1) Has anyone ever shown you compassion? How did it make you feel?

    Question 2) Why do you think it’s important for people to have compassion in our world?

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    24 min
  • 58. Discernment: The Journey of Cinnamon the Fox Act 2
    Nov 28 2024

    Our virtue in this episode is: Discernment! Come and listen to the final chapter of Cinnamon the fox’s adventure. Will he find someone he can trust to help him in the forest? Can someone help him get back to his home? Find out in today’s episode!

    Discussion questions for kids:

    Question 1) Can you think of any situations in which you would need to have discernment to make a decision?

    Question 2) Have you ever been in a situation where it was hard to know what the right decision would be? How did you end up deciding?

    Voir plus Voir moins
    25 min
  • 57. Discernment: The Journey of Cinnamon the Fox Act 1
    Aug 17 2024

    Our virtue in this episode is: Discernment! Come meet Cinnamon, a fox kit who finally gets to explore outside the den! Everything is new and wonderful and exciting until something happens that throws Cinnamon into a whole adventure of his own. Follow Cinnamon’s exciting journey in today’s episode!

    Discussion questions for kids:

    *We will add discussion questions in Act 2 of this story!

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    24 min
  • 56. Joy: Chugs the Train and his Snowy Journey Act 2
    Dec 24 2023

    Our virtue in this episode is: Joy! Join us for the rest of Chug’s journey through the Luminere Mountains. As he makes his way through forests and valleys without a track under his wheels, he wonders if he made the right decision to go this way. What obstacles will he face? Will he be able to make it to their destination and deliver his passengers to their loved ones waiting there? Find out in today’s episode! 

    Discussion questions for kids: 

    Question 1) How can you feel joyful even when things aren’t going your way? 

    Question 2) How are joy and happiness different? 

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    25 min
  • 55. Joy: Chugs the Train and his Snowy Journey Act 1
    Dec 4 2023

    Our virtue in this episode it: Joy! Chugs the electric train loves his station high up in the Luminere Mountains. For most of the year, this station is a quiet and sleepy place, but during the holidays it changes into a busy hub of vacationing passengers and endless shining packages. This year Chugs wants one thing more than ever: To finally carry some real passengers in his cars, not just cargo. Will he get his holiday wish? And even if he does, will he be able to carry the passengers through the sometimes dangerous mountain passes without problems? Find out in our episode today! 

    Discussion questions for kids: 

    *We will add discussion questions in Act 2 of this story!

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    26 min
  • 54. Commitment: Esco and the Regional Tamale Competition
    Oct 17 2023

    Our virtue in this episode is: Commitment! Escolastica Lopez lives in a small town in Mexico with her not-so-small family. This year is a very important year for her Mama because she really wants to win the Regional Tamale Competition. Can Esco help her Mama reach this goal? Find out in our episode today! 

    Discussion questions for kids: 

    Question 1) What are your commitments in your life right now?

    Question 2) What makes it easy to commit to something? What makes it hard?

    Voir plus Voir moins
    29 min
  • 53. Curiosity: A Coop Full of Questions
    Aug 10 2023

    Our virtue in this episode is: Curiosity! Come meet Nugget, a chicken whose questioning mind leaves her little rest. She’s always wondering about the world around her. Unfortunately, her fellow hen friends don’t seem to care about her questions. They’re happy to simply eat food, dust bathe, and sleep. Poor Nugget feels alone with all her questions, but… perhaps not entirely alone. Join us as Nugget finds some surprising companions along the way! 

    Discussion questions for kids:

    Question 1) What are some of the good things you are curious about? How can you find out the answers to your curiosity? 

    Question 2) Think about some of the things that have been invented due to someone being curious about it. What are your favorite inventions?

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    25 min
  • 52. Contentment: A Koala and Kangaroo Take On the Outback
    May 30 2023

    Our virtue in this episode is: Contentment! Join Beau the Koala and Ruby Rue the Kangaroo on a great adventure in the Outback of Australia. As Ruby Rue shares stories with Beau about all her fun adventures, Beau begins to wish that he could leave his eucalyptus grove and have some adventure of his own. What adventure awaits him out there in the real world? Find out in our episode today!

    Discussion questions for kids:

    Question 1) What does it mean to be content with what we have?

    Question 2) Have you ever wanted something that someone else has? How did that make you feel?

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    29 min