How do we close the gap between intention and action? A key problem for anyone trying to change behavior for the better.
Aline Holzwarth invests her brainpower in solving this problem, earning many impressive stripes as an applied behavioral scientist along the way, such as:
Behavioral Science Lead in the Health AI team at Apple
Head of Behavioral Science at Pattern Health - a digital health platform motivating patients to engage with their care
Principal of the Centre for Advanced Hindsight at Duke University - where she redesigned systems to help people make better health decisions
Today, she and her team run Nuance - harnessing the best of behavioral science to achieve scalable behavior change in all the digital products they develop.
Listen to learn Aline’s take on:
The most effective incentives that mental health apps can give their users to achieve lasting behavior change
How to leverage a user’s intrinsic motivation to close the gap between intention and action
The 3 behavioral science concepts most relevant to MindTech
Learn more about Aline on her website.
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