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Welcome to episode 10, season 2 of the Woman Uncaged podcast! In this week's episode, Laura shares a major personal shift that she is undergoing. Seventeen weeks ago, Laura separated from her husband of 29 years and moved to a new city and state. This is a deep, honest, soulful, and beautiful conversation on reinvention and becoming more fully ourselves; you don't want to miss it.
We dive into...
- What it means to reinvent your life at midlife
- How Laura oriented after waking up to a totally new and different life
- What it's like to claim your life at midlife
- The importance of the transitional phase to hear your own voice
- One of the best decisions Laura made when landing in her new life
- The value of experimentation to find out what truly belongs to you
- The difference between UPHOLDING something and CLAIMING something
- The gift of Laura not having a car for the last many weeks
- What Laura would share with a woman on the cusp of a major life reinvention
- The choice between claiming one's own life or supporting someone else's and how freaking difficult that choice really is
- The ring ceremony that Laura and Linda did while Laura was visiting
We are offering THREE Life Reinvention Sessions! If you'd like to nab one, visit:
And if you'd like to do a Dog Day Session with Linda, you can read more about it here:
~Linda's book: Homecoming: One Woman's Story of Dismantling Her Inner Cage and Freeing Her Wild Feminine Soul ~Laura's Monday Missives: