- St. Jude’s Episcopal Church, Ocean View, HI: http://www.stjudeshawaii.org/
- St Matthew’s Episcopal Church, Edinburg, TX: https://www.stmattrgv.org/
- Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd George West, TX: https://www.facebook.com/p/Church-of-the-Good-Shepherd-George-West-TX-100083034745597/
- Information about St Jude’s shower ministry, food, and wifi ministries: http://www.stjudeshawaii.org/outreach.html
- To inquire about being a Visiting Priest at St. Jude’s: www.stjudeshawaii.org/about-us.html
- Divine Aloha: Stories from St. Jude’s: www.amazon.com/Divine-Aloha-Stories-Episcopal-Church/dp/B08NVXHG5L/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=divine+aloha+cutts&qid=1606375331&s=books&sr=1-1
- https://sermons4kids.com/
- Diocese of West Texas online resources: https://www.dwtx.org/resources
Music: I Love to Tell the Story, Benjamin Grove, keyboard
Podcast produced by Polymnia