
  • Evolution of Training Aggressive Dogs with Remote Collars
    Dec 21 2012
    This podcast is about the evolution of training methods used to control and/or eliminate dog aggression with remote collars. I bought my first electric collar in 1979. It was a Tri Tronics Pro 100 that cost $1,000.00. Today that collar is the model-T ford of e-collars. Just as remote collars have drastically improved over the years, so too have the methods used to apply them to our dog training. We are now able to use levels of stimulation in training that we humans can’t even feel. One of my favorite quotes is “When you know better, you do better.” This podcast is going to allow many people do a better job training their dog aggressive dogs with electric collars.
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    27 min
  • Learning to Use Food Rewards During Dog Training
    Feb 1 2008
    This 25 minute podcast explores the methods to train your dog with food rewards. Training with food increases the dogs motivation to learn along with improving the bond between dog and handler. Trainers need to use different treats when training different exercises. Some dogs, for one reason or another, don’t have a lot of food drive. I explain the work to insure that every dog has food drive. I discuss the relationship between using high value meat rewards Vs using some of the many all-natural food rewards that we sell. Many people mistakenly use way to large of a food reward in training. I go into detail about what size to use and how creating a trail mix of different food rewards can positively effect the dogs motivation to work.
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    27 min
  • Marker Training Dogs
    Jan 4 2008
    Learning to train your dog with markers is the quickest way new dog trainers can gain timing and communication skills with their dogs. In my opinion the essence of marker training is that it teaches dogs to problem solve. It is also one of the best ways dog owners can build the bond between themselves and their dogs.
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    47 min
  • The Theory of Corrections in Dog Training
    Mar 15 2007
    One of the most misunderstood areas of dog training, by beginners and so called professionals alike, is how and when to correct a dog. The lack of understanding of corrections is where many people get into trouble when they train their dogs.
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    1 h et 20 min
  • The Theory of Motivation in Dog Training
    Mar 12 2007
    One of the most important concepts that every new pet owner must learn, if they want to become an effective dog trainer, is how to motivate their dog to want to follow commands and participate in training. When people first begin to train their dog many confuse “rewarding their dog” with “motivating their dog”. While these two concepts are very close in nature there is a difference.
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    37 min
  • Training the Place Command to Your Family Pet
    Jul 21 2006
    The place command is probably the second most important obedience command after the come command. New dog trainers often completely miss how important and usefulness the place command.They think training a dog to sit, lay down, come and stay are all the commands they need when in fact being able to send your dog to HIS PLACE when guests knock at the door or when you are eating or watching TV or working on your computer will quickly become your favorite command.
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    18 min
  • Ground Work to Becoming Your Puppy's Pack Leader
    Apr 13 2006
    This 21 minute podcast explains how Ed Frawley from Leerburg Kennels raises puppies in his home. Ed has bred over 350 litters of German Shepherds in the last 30 years. This podcast explains how to develop a family pack structure that a puppy understands. It explains how to establish a relationship of trust and understanding between a puppy and a new owner. People who ignore pack structure when they raise pups are people who have dominant dogs with behavioral problems.
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    21 min
  • How to Break Up a Dog Fight Without Getting Hurt
    Mar 23 2006
    Dog fights are violent, loud and dangerous events. I get emails every day on dog fights. As I wrote this description I got 2 emails. In one a family had two dogs . Their female GSD killed the dachshund last night. In the second email this family's dog was in a fight with a neighbors dog and did $1,400 damage.
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    52 min