
  • Beyond the Collegium: Rethinking Judicial Appointments in India - Rohinton Fali Nariman - 'Legal Luminaries Lounge'
    Aug 20 2024

    The podcast speech titled "Beyond the Collegium: Rethinking Judicial Appointments in India" was given by retired Justice Rohinton F. Nariman on April 24, 2024.

    In this thought-provoking episode, Justice Nariman delves into the intricate processes of judicial appointments in the Supreme Courts of the United States and India. Justice Nariman provides a comparative analysis, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each system. He offers a critical examination of the Indian collegium system, discussing its evolution and challenges.

    Most notably, Justice Nariman proposes an innovative alternative to the current collegium system, suggesting a new mechanism for the appointment of judges that could enhance transparency, accountability, and efficiency in the Indian judiciary.

    This episode is essential listening for those keen on legal reforms and the future of judicial appointments in India.

    • Episode 05 of Legal Luminaries Lounge series.
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    33 min
  • Constitution of India: Checks and Balances - Rohinton Fali Nariman - 'Legal Luminaries Lounge'
    Jan 2 2024

    The podcast lecture titled "Constitution of India: Checks and Balances" was given by retired Justice Rohinton F. Nariman on December 15, 2023.

    In this lecture, Justice Nariman addressed the important topic of checks and balances within the Indian constitution. He provided in-depth insights into the mechanisms that ensure the three branches of government- the legislature, executive, and judiciary- operate within their respective spheres and keep each other in check. This lecture is an excellent resource for anyone interested in understanding the fundamentals of the Indian constitution and the principles that underpin India's democratic system.

    • Episode 04 of Legal Luminaries Lounge series.

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    57 min
  • Rights, Duties, Directive Principles: What is Fundamental? - Rohinton Fali Nariman - 'Legal Luminaries Lounge'
    Apr 16 2023

    This podcast lecture entitled "Rights, Duties, Directive Principles: What is Fundamental?" features retired Justice Rohinton F. Nariman as the speaker.

    In this lecture, Justice Nariman delves into the concepts of fundamental rights, duties, and directive principles enshrined in the Indian Constitution. He explores their origins, meanings, and interplay, providing insights into their importance in shaping the country's legal and social landscape. The lecture offers a thought-provoking analysis of the complex relationships between these fundamental elements and their role in promoting justice and equality in India.

    • Episode 03 of Legal Luminaries Lounge series.
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    51 min
  • A tale of two Constitutions - India and the United States: The long and short of it all - Rohinton Fali Nariman - 'Legal Luminaries Lounge'
    Apr 16 2023

    This podcast titled "A Tale of Two Constitutions - India and the United States: The Long and Short of it All" features a speech given by Justice Rohinton Fali Nariman at the 7th Chief Justice M.C. Chagla Memorial Lecture organized by the Department of Law, University of Mumbai.

    In this one, RF Nariman discusses the differences and similarities between the constitutions of India and the United States, highlighting the historical context and development of each document. The lecture provides an insightful analysis of the key features of each constitution and how they have impacted the respective countries' political and social development. Overall, it is an engaging and informative listen for anyone interested in comparative constitutional law.

    • Episode 02 of Legal Luminaries Lounge series.
    Voir plus Voir moins
    58 min
  • Freedom of Speech : Contemporary Challenges - Rohinton Fali Nariman - 'Legal Luminaries Lounge'
    Apr 15 2023

    This podcast titled "Freedom of Speech: Contemporary Challenges" features a lecture given by Justice Rohinton Fali Nariman discussing the current challenges surrounding the topic of freedom of speech. The lecture was organized by Navjivan Trust in Ahmedabad and offers insightful perspectives on this important issue.

    • Episode 01 of Legal Luminaries Lounge series.
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    56 min