Frédéric Bastiat a French classical liberal theorist, political economist, and member of the French assembly in the 19th century once said “Life, liberty and property do not exist because men made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.” It is horrendous to imagine a lawyer admitting something contrary to his case and being thrown out of court within a minute. The situation becomes graver in criminal cases where even a slight mistake can turn the outcome of a case. A single mistake in drafting a legal notice may ruin a case while an error in a plaint or a written statement may ultimately be the cause for a person losing a case. A single wrong question in cross-examination may again be the sole cause for a party losing a civil case or in his getting convicted in a criminal case. We need to realize that the ‘legal profession’ is a profession which is as serious as the medical profession – a surgeon in an OT or a pilot in a fighter plane. Unfortunately, in India legal profession was looked upon as a `fall back upon’ profession. However, in the last two decades or little more, the system and manner of legal education has undergone tremendous positive change and the credit goes primarily to the principle of `demand of quality lawyers’ occasioned on account of socio-economic and political developments in the country; which has led to the setting up of high standard supply chain in the form of National Law Schools and some credible private schools. But we need to check that these law students should not get into another extreme of commercialization. because legal profession is today being referred to as `legal business’. #HemantBatra Hemant Batra