Leonard Hogue murdered his entire family before killing himself in 1965. But what led up to this dreadful night is crazier than you expect. Corrupt police, bank robberies, and betrayal are major parts of this dreadful tale of “Leonard Hogue”.
Written and Narrated by Kristopher Gallant
Sound Recording and Post production by Rodrigo Robinet
Episode Art by Olivia Nixon
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E-Mail - VancouverDreadfuls@Gmail.com
Playing on the concept of penny dreadfuls in the 1800s, Vancouver Dreadfuls are short 20 minute podcasts focusing on true crime in Vancouver, Canada.
We’ve launched a kickstarter for Season 2 to help with equipment upgrades and podcast recording space in order to help production & produce more content for Season 2. Join the kickstarter today - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/vancouverdreadfuls/vancouver-dreadfuls-season-2