Leslie T. Chang has written about women in the developing world for two decades. Her reporting method is to immerse herself in the daily lives of ordinary women to find stories that are often unknown to the outside world. Leslie lived in China for a decade as a correspondent for The Wall Street Journal, focusing on stories that explored how socioeconomic change was transforming institutions and individuals. In 2011, Leslie moved to Cairo, Egypt, where she explored the lives of the country's working women. Her new book, Egyptian Made: Women, Work, and the Promise of Liberation, follows three women who work in Egypt’s garment industry. Alongside these stories, Leslie shares her own experiences living in the country for five years. It was an honor to have Leslie on the podcast this month. You can buy her new book here: https://www.amazon.com/Egyptian-Made-Women-Promise-Liberation-ebook/dp/B0BL77GSW6