Lecture Outline:
Aim: What you know makes all the difference.
I. The Tools (2 Peter 1:1-4) T1: God has sufficiently provided all we need to live holy lives.
a. What promises of God empower you to live differently?
b. What will you do to move from a mere intellectual knowledge of God to an experiential knowledge that comes from a relationship with God?
II. The Job (2 Peter 1:5-11) T2: What you know of God should be evident in your life.
a. In which of these qualities do you need to grow?
b. How will you use your knowledge and experience of Jesus to help you grow?
III. The String Around Your Finger (2 Peter 1:12-15) T3: The gospel may not be novel, but it is still spectacular.
a. Who in your life would benefit from you being a minister of remembrance? What verses will you use to help them continue heavenward?
b. How can you grow in reminding yourself of the truth? What do you need to remind yourself of today?