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Hang On a Second
Hang on a second. So, you're telling me that you can make Crepponi at home? My mind is blown right now haha. I never thought that that was an option. I thought Crepponi just magically filled those old ice cream machines and only the chosen few could pull the lever for that delicious freezing swirly goodness haha. I have to try it. What do I need?
- I know right? Well, you need lemons of course. When life gives you lemons, you make...crepponi. and you also need sugar and eggs.
-Are you for real? Eggs? Is this ice cream or is it Mouskoutchou?
- I will send you the recipe. But just FYI, it takes some time and you might not get it right the first time. You need to hang in there and keep trying and maybe the next time we hang out we'll be eating your very own homemade Crepponi.
- I am excited. Crepponi was such a big part of my childhood. One of my core memories was running to 3ammi Zouzou's shop with my cousins with our 5 dinars in hand. He would always give me more, or at least that's what it felt like. I loved him for that. Sabrina would eat so slowly, it would melt on her hands and she'd always cry about it. That was the routine. Haha (Ding) Oh I just got your text. Thanks.