In this episode of Lest We Forget HIstorical, host Lillian S Cauldwell delves into the FTC and Free Speech as defined in the U.S. Constitution in particular to Broadcast Media and companies and organizations that focus on public relations, marketing, promotion, and the small business. There are exceptions to every rule, and while free speech is allowed in the United States, there are certain instances where free speech can get an individual or a company into trouble. Do realize there are limitations by the Supreme Court which expressed an interest in regulating online misinformation and disinformation.
The Free Speech Clause protects false speech without violating the First Amendment, but make sure you understand and recognize there are other types of free speech not permitted, and can get you into serious trouble with the FTC and the U.S. Constitution. Find out what they are and protect yourself; otherwise, you might receive a letter from the FTC with the contents stating, Dear Sir or Madam: You are being sued by the FTC for speaking these incriminatory statements.
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