
  • Season 08 Episode 117 - P2G Show 24/01
    Jan 19 2024

    SEASON 08 Episode 117

    P2G - Show 24/01

    Killer Russian Yeti

    *295 Days to Election*

    • Dyatlov Pass Incident

    • Virus X

    • Multiple War Fronts

    • WHO new powers

    • Jan. 6th UPDATE

    ​• Bigfoot Reports

    and Much More ...

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    2 h et 8 min
  • Episode 116 Show 23/01
    Oct 31 2023

    Jeff and Anvile are back from a long Summer Vacation.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    2 h et 14 min
  • Forte Knight Report 23/08
    Jul 19 2023

    FKR … July 19th , 2023

      • Trump Agenda 47
      • President could stop spending of unnecessary money
      • 1974 Impounding control act
    • Another indictment of Trump for Jan 6th
    • Farmers are being paid not to use water in California
      • Huge impact of food production
      • Portrayed as a horse deworming drug
      • Said to be fatal to humans
      • Crimean/Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF)
      • Been around since 2011
      • Transmitted thru tick to livestock (meat, food)
      • May jump to humans
      • Then go person to person
      • 40-60% fatal
      • Multi organ failure
      • There is a vaccine … derived from mouse brains
      • US big pharma … has patents pending
    • As of right now DeSantis will not be participating in the 1st debate in August
      • Not enough donners to qualify
    • Why are more government institutions becoming less trustworthy?
      • FBI, DOJ, DOD,
      • FDA, CDC,
    • Why is there a 10% increase (on $800B) in the US Defense budget
    • Ireland to kill 200K cows to fight climate change
    • Biotech ( CONCEPTION) Company is creating human eggs out of stem cells and in the process eliminate diseases
      • Bio-ethics are out the window
      • The old school term for this is EUGENICS ….
    • VP Harris says in a public speech that we need to reduce the population
    • Secret Service did a thorough investigation
      • No Physical evidence
      • Evidence actually destroyed because it was considered a bio-hazard
    • Another train derailment … with leaking chemicals
      • Near Philly
      • Almost nothing about it
    • DOD has a patriotic extremism running through the country
      • A person who questions the government
    • Oppositional defiance disorder is a real thing
    • Graphene Oxide is present in the Pfizer vaccine
      • It is engineered as a bioweapon
      • Survival rate is < 8 years at a concentration of 1 part / Billion
      • It can not be removed
    • PROJECT 65 … established to attach ANY lawyer that defends Trump
    • 4 Patient applications were applied for by Modena 7 month prior to COVID
    • People killed after exposing secrets …
      • Dr Sebi
      • Stanley Meyer
      • Joan Rivers
    • Huge tax increases headed our way
    • 2017 Tax cut will be going away soon by the end of 2025
    • NEFARIOUS is another great movie that shines the light
    • CNN blames TRUMP for ammunition shortage
    • Media sources have taken a pledge not to report on climate change issues that go against the naritive
    • In 1977 Billy Joel wrote “she is always a Waman” without having a PhD in Biology
    • Country music canceling country songs that talk the truth
      • SMALL TOWN
    • TIME BLINDNESS is the inability to show up on time
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    44 min
  • Forte Knight Report 23/07 July 14, 2023
    Jul 15 2023

    FKR 23/07

    JULY 14, 2023

    • Cocaine gate is closed by the Secret Service.
    • Why are the investigation reports on a SCIF
    • Biden to send 3K reservists to Europe
    • Ray Epps has gotten a complete pass on the Jan 6th events
      • FBI says no comment
      • Looking to arrest more people involved with Jan 6th
    • Destruction of Reality
      • Any thing that is an objective reality is racist
      • Math … 2+2=5
      • Margo Robbie is a 7 on the hot scale
      • Lizzo is a 10 … WTF
      • 8th grades are at 70’s level of education
      • Trans woman wants a uterus … just to kill the baby
      • Diversity in everything but thoughts
      • If white people participate … cultural appropriation
      • Things kids can’t do … things they can
    • now want to take into account the Race of the criminal before sentencing
    • NDAA problems
    • $ for Ukraine
    • DOD has failed the last few decades of audits
    • Monetary system will start to collapse quicker in August …
    • Making digital central bank a more accepted reality
    • Ben & Jerry says to give it back
    • NY scraping COVID passport program … 250M waste
    • Lizard people on planes
    • Questioning the FBI is only for political gain
    • AntiVax has been a thing since 1892
    • EU parliament is calling for the WHO to be held accountable
    • Medical Malarky
      • The Amish are far healthier than the rest of us
      • The Vax is being attributed to more and more deaths now and back then
      • New untested vax being pushed for the upcoming flu season
    • BLM … 10 year anniversary? WHY
      • Ending DNA testing to verify children are with a relative
      • DOJ removes child sex trafficking as an area of concern
      • Ca defeats a bill to make sex trafficking of minors a FELONY
      • MSM says Sex trafficking is a RW conspiracy
    • CHINA base in Cuba
    Voir plus Voir moins
    28 min
  • Forte Knight Report 23/06
    Jul 11 2023

    JULY 11, 2023

    • DOJ @thejusticedeptindicted Gal Luft, a whistleblower in the Biden family scandals
      • Former Israili army officer and part of a Maryland think tank
    • Ukraine demanding to join NATO
    • Biden publicly announces that the Ukrainians are running out of AMMO … also gave the world the heads up that we are too.
      • Sending CLUSTER BOMBS to Ukraine
    • Weapons under development to target specific people or ethnicities.
    • CDC now offering DYI to men on how to CHESTFEED … but nothing on the DANGER to the infant
      • It is not milk … it is liquid filled with chemicals
    • New process on immigration that will let 1000’s into the country … may not be constitutional
    • Gays Against Groomers is an independent nonprofit that only wants children to be safe and not used as a pawn
    • Nothing in this world operates the way you think
    • Republicans slip massive foreign worker expansion into DHS funding
    • MSM back in the day … reported on the true events of SOUND of FREEDOM
      • Only on theaters for a week or less
      • Given the most worst time slots
      • Subtle harassment at the theater level
      • Mainstrem saying that child trafficking isn’t that bad
    • Being physically fit is a FAR RIGHT obsession
    • If christianity wants to survive … include ALL the books and have it accurately translated
    • Why are WE the USA actively causing the Ukraine conflict to continue
    • WQHen the next plandemic isn’t working
      • Propaganda is LEGAL to use against the Citizens (Obama)
      • Disorders are VOTED into existence
      • The BAKER ACT
      • Oppositional Defiance Disorder
    • SCOTUS has said that the US Gov. can not censor us … the Gov is appealing it.
    • DUTCH (Netherlands) Gov has fallen … Expected that France and Germany is next to go
    • Sandstorm from AFRICA is on the way ….
    • Baby drought … across the world.
    Voir plus Voir moins
    38 min
  • Radio Free Anvile - SHOW #4
    Jul 8 2023

    July 08, 2023

    Playing source audio clips to give a better context to statements

    • Ukraine accountability

    • COVID-19 SCAM

    • POC

    • MEL GIBSON ... Doesn't give a ...

    • Insulin has been lower for 3 years ... but thanks anyway JOE

    Voir plus Voir moins
    37 min
  • Forte Knight Report 23/05 - Happy Independance Day
    Jul 5 2023

    Forte Knight Report 23/05

    • Old News that I never heard … Aug 2022 … Amish farm raided and shut down by Feds.
    • Child Trafficking is … $152B/year
      • 230,000 children missing from school districts since the pandemic
      • 60,000 children missing from Ukraine
      • 85,000 children missing from the border
    • 60M chickens dead from disease and destruction (last 16mo.) … thank good for Lab-grown chickens
    • Frances’s Mostly peaceful protest is a flashback to 2020 on steroids
      • Unchecked immigration … 1st and 2nd Gen Immigrant driven protest
    • Malaria outbreaks in FLA & TX since 20yrs
    • 5M risk of stroke if they exercise too hard
    • WH Looking at blocking the SUN to cool the planet
    • TRUMP now sits on the Fire Board in a small Oregon town
    • Greta Thunberg is now labeled a WORLD LEADER
    • NYC to spend time and money to teach students how to BREATH
    • Military camp in Eagle Pass to house young males crossing the border
    • Exec Ord. 6102 … April 5th 1933 … FDR outlaws the private ownership of GOLD.
    • Escort children to restrooms and stand watch after you clear the room
    • Angela Davis … descended from a passenger on the Mayflower and a slave owner
    • Now using the Higher Education Act to slip in the Tuition forgiveness … plus additional time to start paying back loans
    • WH evacuated after the discovery of white powder … not to worry was only Cocaine not anthrax
    Voir plus Voir moins
    35 min
  • Forte Knight Report 23/04 - July 4th weekend
    Jun 30 2023

    JUNE 30, 2023

    • Affirmative Action ruled unconstitutional for use in college admissions
    • Student loan forgiveness ruled Unconstitutional
    • CHINA is in negotiations with CUBA to establish a military base
    • Google joined FB in censoring Canadian news
    • Vagina has been renamed to Bonus Hole
    • SCOTUS has ruled that Religious rights are ahead of Sexual orientation
      • Blacks don’t have the internet
      • If you don’t vote for me you an’t black
      • Black do not have access to ID’s
      • Blacks are too stupid to get into good colleges
    • 200+ Celebs Including Jamie Lee Curtis, ‘Elliot’ Page Demand Big Tech Censor ‘Disinformation’ About ‘Transgender Youth’
    • BLM has declared American flag a symbol of hatred
    • More IRS whistle-blowers come forward
    • Bill Gates Mosquitos … Tx and Fla
    • Wildfire smoke is back … affecting 1/3 of the US population
    • Has the Ukraine been a “testing ground” for NATO weapons
    • JP Morgan/Chase paid 300M to Epstiens victims
    • Final report … Epstien did commit suicide
    • NYC wages war on coal fired Pizza ovens
    • Bidenomics is what we are experiencing
    • 44M to build a Bus charging station
    • Biden talks about Russia’s invasion of Iraq
    • WI legislator says FUCK the suburbs because they don’t know a god dam thing about life in the city
    • 100 mi boarder … border patrol officers can stop and search for no reason or probable cause … also to include 100 mi of any intl airport … IMMIGRATION and NATIONALITY ACT
    • Modern day “CASH CROP” Children with no documentation
    • Labron James … leveling 37M home to build his dream home
    • WOKISM … when schools went from education to indoctrination
    • 66% of ALL Americans do not feel that there can be a fair election today
    • LGB and TQ+
    • Transwoman murderer who targets lesbians sent to a women’s prison
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    32 min